↳ i loved you

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by fndommafia

"Drink up, get drunk, have some fun," one of your best friend, Sherri, said, handing you a cold beer. "Forget about Zach for the night."

"It's hard, Sherri," you sighed in sadness, grabbing the beer bottle and taking a sip. The bitter taste ran down your throat and kinda burned a little bit.

"I know, but there's a lot of cute guys here, one of them is bound to help you move on," she winked at you, causing you to laugh and take another sip of the cold drink. You were about to open your mouth to say something, but you see Zach, your best friend whom forgot about you, and his girlfriend walked into the party in your peripheral vision.

"You're right, I'm going to let loose," you took another sip of the beer, promising yourself you will talk to at least one guy, promising yourself that you will forget that Zach is at the party tonight. Sherri nodded in agreement and pushed you towards a guy with blonde hair.

"Sorry," you apologized, bumping his back, causing him to turn around, holding a red solo cup in his hand,

"It's fine," the mystery guy said, giving you a smile. "I don't think I've met you before, I'm Nick." He stuck his free hand out, asking for a handshake.

"YN," you replied, putting your hand into his bigger hands. "Do you go to Liberty High?"

"No, I'm here to visit Bryce, he's my cousin."

"Oh, I am so sorry," you joked, causing him to laugh.

"Thanks, at least you know my pain," he joked back. "Hey, you wanna dance?" You nodded and placed your half empty bottle at a table nearby, grabbing Nick;s hand and led him to the dance floor, filled with sweaty teens grinding on one another, You wrapped your arms around his neck, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Both of you guys danced to the upbeat of the song. People around you were bumping against you guys, you could feel the hot air around you due to the crowded dance floor. Then out of nowhere, someone grabbed your arm and dragged you away from Nick and out the door, You saw a glimpse of Nick's confused face.

"What the hell, YN," a familiar voice said, you turned around to face the person who dragged you out and was face to face with the one and only, Zach Dempsey. "This is so unlike you."

You rolled you eyes in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest and kinda glared at the boy in front of you. "And how would you know?"

"We're best friends, I know everything about you. I know that you wouldn't drink and grind up against random guys." He threw his hands in the air.

"Are we even best friends?" You asked. You were done, you wanted to forget about him for the night, you wanted to have a great night, but someone was preventing that, and that someone was Zach, the person you wanted to forget today.

"What do you mean?" he asked softly, staring at you with confusion.

"You have been ditching me, for months. Months, Zach. I'm surprise you even remembered I even existed."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ever since you started dating your girlfriend, you forgot about me. You always cancel on our plans, you even cancelled on our weekly Friday movie night! You won't even talk to me anymore, even in class, you act as if I never existed!" you exploded, glaring at Zach. If looks could kill, he would be at least 10 feet under ground by now.

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