↳ is there somewhere/roman holiday

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by bicuriousjensn

i'm sorry, but i fell in love tonight.
i didn't mean to fall in love tonight.
you're looking like you fell in love tonight.
could we pretend that we're in love?

You sighed as your phone beeped, you knew exactly who it was and what he wanted.

Mantle, 11:42 PM- is there somewhere you can meet me?

Those seven little words made your stomach churn in the best and worst way. You and Reggie had some sort of an arrangement going on where if anything got too frustrating for either one of you, you'd meet up and let those frustrations out. On each other.

There was only one rule: absolutely no feelings. You were okay with it, at first.

In the beginning, you only saw Reggie as a way to let loose. Then one time after you guys fooled around, he stayed and you two got to talking. He was way more than the dumb football jock everybody pegged him for. He was funny and smart and kind and you were falling for him, hard.

You knew you were gonna regret it, but you texted back.

Me, 11:44 PM- yeah, i'll be there in 20.

Reggie responded with a thumbs up emoji.

You arrived about 10 minutes before he did, like always. Laying on the cheap motel bed in nothing but your bra and underwear, you mentally scolded yourself for once again going through with this. You knew it was wrong, you two were never going to be an actual couple. There was never gonna be dates to the Twilight drive in or Pop's shop.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Reggie stumbling in, taking off his shirt and kicking off his shoes before crawling on the bed with you. His lips immediately found yours and you began fighting for dominance which he ultimately won.

"Stop," You panted in between breaths. "How long are we gonna do this?" You asked, fearing the answer.

The boy who hovered above you shrugged, "This'll be the last time. Let's enjoy it." He mumbled before attaching his lips to your neck.

You nodded, knowing damn well that was a lie.

Sighing, you ran a hand through your hair and pulled the itchy comforter up to your chest as Reggie bent down to pick up his jeans that landed in a pile with your clothes.

"I'll see you around, yeah?" He walked over and pecked your forehead before walking out.


4 days.

You lasted four days before finally caving and texting him. You missed him, you craved him.

Me, 1:05 AM- is there somewhere you can meet me?

Almost immediately you got a reply.

Mantle, 1:06 AM- what happened to it being the last time?

You rolled your eyes, not wanting to deal with him, you were just gonna lock your phone and knock out then he texted again.

Mantle, 1:07 AM- i'm kidding. i'll see you there.

Quickly grabbing your keys, you made the short drive to the motel where the clerk who always gave you your key gave you a sad smile. Maybe she knew, you thought.

Reggie arrived almost right after you. "Missed you," He mumbled in between open mouthed kisses, "missed this body." He gripped your waist as you ran your fingers through his hair.

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