↳ an early bird

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by onemorefanaccount

Generally speaking, you were in no way a morning person-far from it in fact. You could even count on one hand the amount of times you had woken up before you alarm in all of your life.

Being woken before you had to be was one of your biggest pet peeves, regardless of who was waking you-even if it was the love of your life.

Narrowing your eyes the best you could at your boyfriend, still half asleep-you mumbled something incoherent under your breath before rolling away from him.

Ross chuckled and moved his body closer to yours, sliding his hand over your waist and pulling you gently towards him so he was hugging you from behind. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head as his fingers gently stroked your side. "It's time to wake up," he told you quietly.

"Go away."

"You promised you'd go out for breakfast with me," he said against your hair.

You squeezed your eyes shut, curling yourself into a small ball-pressing your back firmly against his chest, "It was a moment of madness," you whispered, your voice hoarse.

Ross started to trail kisses along your neck, "I promise you'll love it."

"Impossible," you countered, already drifting back into unconsciousness.

Ross was quick to lift his body, holding his weight up as he moved an arm to rest on the other side of you so he was hovering above you. "Don't fall back asleep," he insisted. "We have a big day ahead of us."

In an attempt to open your eyes, you blinked a few times to clear the blur. Noticing that you were face-to-face with him, you were taken aback-having not realised how close he was. You were silent for a few moments, letting yourself collect your thoughts and wake up the best you could. "I don't like you," you declared, rolling on your back.

"I know," he smirked, still lingering above you, "you love me."

You gave him a pointed look, "That's debatable right now."

Ross tilted his head and leant forward to press a soft kiss against your lips. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "We can have a sleep in tomorrow," he compromised.

You snaked an arm around his back and pulled him even closer to you, "Tell me again why you've woken me at this ungodly hour," you requested, your fingers slowly creeping along his back. "Because right now," you told him seriously, "I cannot for the life of me think of why I would ever let you wake me."

Ross' smile made your toes curl, "We," he declared, "are going out for breakfast."

Releasing a groan, you tightened your grip on him and practically forced him to lie on top of you. You hugged him tightly to prevent him from moving himself off of you.

"I'm going to crush you," he said, attempting to lift his body.

"Don't," you muttered, burying your face in his neck. "I want to cuddle."

"(Y/N)," he warned.

"Ross," you mimicked, your voice muffled against his skin, "I'm fine, just relax."

He gave in, unable to deny you, and let you hold him. He moved a hand to caress your shoulder, "Only for a few minutes." Ross chuckled as he felt your lips form a smile against his skin.

"We can get up in a moment," you promised.

The diner wasn't too far away, barely a twenty minute drive. You kept your eyes on the sky the entire time, watching as it slowly brightened and lit up the city as the sun rose.

Ross slipped his hand in yours as you walked down the sidewalk, passing shops that were slowly opening their businesses for the day.

You pushed on the door to the diner, holding it open long enough for Ross to follow you in. Waving a greeting to the waitress, you made your way to an empty booth by the window.

Sitting opposite your boyfriend, you sent him a kind smile before picking up your menu-despite already having an idea of what you wanted. After confirming your order in your mind, you look up to find Ross staring at you.

"What is it?"

He only shook his head, "Nothing."

You frowned, "Is there something on my face?" you questioned, lifting your hand to your cheek.

Ross shook his head again, "No, there's nothing." He shifted in his seat, "You look beautiful."

You rolled your eyes, your hand dropping to your lap. "Oh hush." He laughed at your flushed expression before finally lifting his own menu to read the options. "Do you know what you want?"

His eyes scanned the menu, "I think so," he replied.

"What do you have planned for the next few days?" you questioned, changing the subject as you crossed one leg over the other.

Ross leant back in his seat, letting his hands rest flat against the table, "Not much actually. I don't have any filming, just a few things for press I think. But I'd have to doubt check when we get back home. Why?"

"Just wondering," you shrugged. "But we should do something, go out maybe."

His smile continued to grow, "Are you asking me out on a date Miss (Y/L/N)?"

You raised an eyebrow, "I was thinking more of a friendly get-together," you told him, "but if you want to start putting labels on everything," you trailed off.

He gently nudged your foot with his own at your words, his smile turning playful, "We most definitely should go on a 'friendly get-together date' this week," he confirmed.

It didn't take too long for the waitress to take you order and for the food to be brought out. When you had the plate in front of you, you immediately began to eat.

Ross noticed your expression as you glanced over at his food. Gently, he pushed the plate towards you and you offered him a sheepish grin as you took a reasonable portion.

"I told you that you would like it," he teased, seeing the pleasure that crossed your face at the taste, reminding you of just earlier when you had insisted you wouldn't have enjoyed what he had picked out.

"I like that you ordered it," you countered as he pulled the plate back towards him. "I'm more than happy with my own meal, thank you very much."

Seeing the look on your face as you continued to eat, Ross smirked, "Was it worth waking up and coming out here?"

Nodding you head, you took another bite. "Absolutely."

You had to admit, the city was beautiful when it was waking up-the sky only adding to the appeal as it light up with colour and enjoying the perfect meal during this time was definitely worth.

"But don't get too used to it," you told him, pointing at him with your fork.

Ross' laughter filled the air, "I'm sure it's just as great here at sunset," he commented.

"I guess we'll have to find out for sure."

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