↳ locker room

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by writing-in-riverdale

it was another long boring cheer practice and the squad had been kicked out of our gym and thrown out onto the football field to train with the football team.

it was one of the hottest days of the year and you had to spend the past hour dodging footballs and doing a bunch of different flips and learning cheryls impossible choreography.

you feel breathless doubling over trying to suck in a breathe feeling all types of heat stroke. you bring your head up waving down your red headed captain

"can we like take a break for 5 minutes?" you huff shielding your eyes from the sun.

she glances around at her team half the girls were already sitting on the ground trying to shield themselves from the scorching hot sun

"5 minutes and thats it" she yells out to the whole squad before walking all the way over to me extending a bottle to me "thanks red" i mumble taking a long swig

the siren rings loud indicating an end of a period and cheryl huffs sighing "lets go ladies practice is over" she yells turning and scowling at me

"oh c'mon your not mad at me right?" i ask jogging behind my best friend as she struts off the field whistling from the hormonal teenage boys behind us filling the field

"im not" she replies keeps her focus in front of her "cheryl?" i question stopping in my place only for her to walk off without me.

i groan rolling my eyes taking another long sip out of the icy water bottle when i feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me up

I squeal as the water squirts out of the bottle my feet leaving the grass. i thrash around in the strangers arms until im put down familiar giggles filling the air

"reggie you jerk you made me wet" i complain trying to wipe off the water that had spilt on my uniform as i walk next to my boyfriend

archie and chuck snicker a smile growing on my raven haired boyfriends face "baby girl i know i do, maybe you shouldn't really be telling everyone" he teases

i roll my eyes pushing his chest "your such a child" i laugh glancing at the three boys sticking my tongue out and spraying them with my water bottle

they yell covering their faces chasing me across the field, i squeal running as fast as my feet carry me until I'm lifted up into the air more and more water pouring on top of me

"STOP!" i yell after they put me down i rush to reggie burying myself into his chest trying to protect myself, reggie getting soaked in the process

"ANDREWS! CLAYTON!" i hear coach clayton yell gainging the attention of the three jocks

they drop their bottles looking up at the older man "yes coach?" archie calls back guilt on his face

"maybe we should leave miss (y/l/n) alone so she can get to class, we'll need her on the field cheering and not in detention"

i find myself giggling pushing my wet hair off my face "lets go" i laugh linking my hands with reggie pulling him toward the locker rooms

i remove my ponytail and let me hair run down my back before facing reggie as he strips off his uniform and changed back into regular clothes

"this was all i had to wear today" i sulk

he turns to me licking his lips as he stares at me "remind me to wet you more when your in your uniform?" he chuckles

furrowing my brows i look down to see that you can clearly see my black lacy bra now that's the white cotton was drenched.

i playfully smack my boyfriends chest "can you give me something to wear?" i beg pouting, slipping on a pair of denim shorts and removing my white shirt

his eyes dart around the room pulling me into him by my waist "god (y/n) you can't just strip off what is someone came in" he glances around the room eyes wide panic on his expression

i laugh standing up on my tippy toes and pulling reggie down to connect our lips "you worry too much mantle" he kisses back slipping his hands under my thighs to lift me up onto his waist

we continue to kiss gradually getting heated until the sound of a locker shutting brings us back to reality

reggie almost drops me still managing to keep my chest out of sight

"wow- andrews what are you doing in here" reggie starts pulling me behind him tugging a shirt over his head

"it's the locker room reg- im just grabbing my stuff" he chuckles grabbing a fresh shirt before walking away for us laughing at the encounter

reggie turns around digging through his locker, you giggle your hands sliding up his chest "here" he mumbles handing me one of his shirts before dipping down and joining our lips

"reggie this is massive on me" i sulk letting the white t hang just above my knees, he turns and giggles at the sight of me.

i pout crossing my arms in front of my chest "regggg" i sulk dropping my bottom lip.

"im sorry baby girl" he pauses trying to hold back laughter "you are just so tiny compared to me"

he walks back over to you kissing the top of your head "maybe see if the girls have something for you? or you could tie it?" he wraps his arms around your shoulders.

"okay bfg" you poke fun tucking the shirt into your high waisted shorts the raven haired boy puzzled at your statement.

"im a what now?" "a big friendly giant" he narrows his eyes before punching lifting me up into the air swinging me around

"thats it you asked for it"

and after what seemed like the longest tickle fight of your life you both emerge from the locker room hand in hand smiles evident on your faces as you look up to your boyfriend pulling his jacket closer around me body

you were reggies girl

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