↳ showing what's yours

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by imaginesofwonder

 Veronica stepped her way inside of Riverdale High with Betty on one side and Kevin on the other. For her first day here she didn't feel as nervous as she thought she would but it all changed when they walked in. Everyone stopped and stared, most were whispering about what Veronica assumed to be her. Making their way down the hallway Kevin and Betty were telling her all of the latest gossip of Jason Blossom murder. It happened to be the talk of the town and they didn't want her to be completely clueless on her first day.

"There is Archie Andrews" Kevin said as he pointed over to a redhead boy by the lockers. "Betty best friend and soulmate"

"You two are dating?" Veronica asked cursorily, wanting to know more on this wonderful topic.

"Shh Kevin and no we are not we're just friends."

"That Betty is here in love with but is too sacred to say anything about it" Kevin spoke at he looked at the handsome boy as Betty eyed him down not impressed he was doing this here in the school hallway.

"Who's that?" Veronica asked as she lifted her eyebrows liking what she was seeing. A tall built boy was making his way to Archie's side at his locker. She had to admit he was hot.

"That's Reggie Mantle, he was one of Jason's best friends. He also on the football team as well" Betty told Veronica. She nodded her head he was for sure her type.

As the four of them sat at the lunch table talking and enjoying their food, Veronica let her eyes wander the school yards. Looking at all of the different kind of social groups she wondering where she use to fit into. One table caught her eye, it was the football team. She scanned her eyes until she found Reggie, the boy she wanted to be hers. She was shocked as an random girl came up to him placing a water bottle in front of him, then went to leave but not before Reggie kissed her cheek.

"Who's that?" She asked interrupting the conversion. All of them turned to see who Veronica was talking about, Kevin was the first one to speak

"That's Y/N L/N, she's a year older than us"

"She's also Reggie girlfriend" Archie added causing Veronica eyes to widen.

"You guy didn't tell me he had a girlfriend"

"You didn't asked, what's it to you anyway" Betty claimed before she realized what was on her mind. "It's not going to happen V. They have been dating for years"

"Their the longest running couple in this school" Kevin added in.

"We will see about that" Veronica announced as she got up from her spot to make her way to her next class, passing by Reggie's table she gave him a wink. He smiled but was slightly confused on what she was doing.

Knowing she was here before you were Veronica knew that was the perfect time to get started on her break up plan. Watching the boys leave the room one by one pretending she was there for Archie but she already knew he left, she waited. Until she saw the boy she was looking for Reggie. She moved to block his way of coming out of the room.

"Hey Reggie" V said as sweetly as she could.

"Veronica right? You are the new girl?" Reggie questioned remembering her from earlier that day when she winked at him. It hurt V a bit when he didn't really know who she was but she didn't care.

"Yes the one and only" She started while laying her hand on his chest. Reggie look down at her confused on what she was doing.

"W-" But she cutted him off, standing on her toes, she leaned to meet Reggie's ear and whispered

"Meet me at Pop's at eight, we could get some milkshakes" Before Reggie even had a chance to denied Veronica was already gone. You passed her on your way in but didn't think anything of it until you got to Reggie.

"Hey sorry I'm late, Cheryl was talking to me. What's wrong with you? You looked like you seen a ghost" You asked as you put your head on Reggie's forehead making sure he didn't have a fever.

"It's nothing, just something that I got to deal with later" He smiled happy to see you finally here.

"Okay whatever Reg as long as everything is fine" Lacing your hands with his, you guys made your way to his car while chatting about each other day.

Reggie looked around Pop's as he step in looking for Veronica. He came with one thing in mind and that was to turn her down. He didn't like her like that because he loved you. Spotting her in one of the back booth he made his way over, siding in the seat across from her. Veronica smiled thinking she was getting to him and knowing that if she gets her way there wouldn't be no more Reggie and you.

"Well look who decided to come" Veronica said cheerfully while reaching her hand across the table onto Reggie's. He looked down with disgust and pull his hand back down by his side. V looked at him with a frown.

"I think you got the wrong idea Veronica" Reggie started to say but the door opened to Pop's making V stared at the person who walked in. Reggie turned to see who was so important but wished he haven't when he saw you. You caught sight of them right away and went over.

"Well well what do we have here?" You mocked full well knowing what it was.

"Babe it's not what you think" Reggie said while getting up but you stopped him and pushed him back into the seat. Leaning over the table to come face to face with Veronica you started to speak

"Listen here Ms. Lodge, I know you are new and don't know how this little town works yet but you should know one thing. You don't go after someone else's boyfriend. You knew he was taken because Betty and them told you but you still had to try right?. I don't know what's going on in your mess up family and frankly I don't care but if you value your life or that stupid pearl necklace you will stay away. Got it?" Veronica look at you wide eyes and nodded. She didn't think that any of this was going to happen more so you telling her off. You seemed to sweet and innocent to do it but boy was she wrong. Standing back up straight you grabbed ahold of Reggie's hand pulling him out behind you. Standing outside of Pop's, Reggie only had one thing to say.

"Damn that was hot babe" Smirking Reggie felt proud that your were all his.

"What can I stay I love what's mine and no bitch is going to take it away" You said with a laugh, Reggie then kiss you. You guys were each others and no one was going to stand in yours guys way of happiness. 

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