↳ blindside

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by gutterdreams

Sometimes Reggie could be an absolute child. For a seventeen year old boy, he could throw a tantrum that would rival any toddler in any drugstore across the country. Sighing as you laid down, you let Reggie release his frustration through the phone that you were lazily holding to your ear. For him to stop texting you and actually call meant that he was past annoyed and well into unpleased.

"You're always late." He groaned through the phone. It had been cute, at first, when you two started dating and you would fly into class at the same time as the second bell, or you would make it to his house a few minutes after you said you would show up. However, it didn't leave Reggie amused any more. It had turned into a habit that irritated him. "What is so hard about being on time?" Reggie was flawed, but was punctual.

"I will be there as soon as I can be there. The quicker we end this phone call, the quicker I can head back to Riverdale." It wasn't as if you were on the other side of the state, you were just visiting your grandparents in Greendale. Of course, you had told Reggie that you would be back by five o'clock on Sunday and it was already ten to seven and you were still in the spare bedroom of your grandparents petite bungalow that they had lived in for the last decade. "I will make it up to you."

"Don't bother." Reggie scoffed. You could hear the sound of something being kicked through the phone, his feet hastily shoving at the gravel under his feet in the parking lot of Pop's where you had said you would meet up for dinner after spending the entire weekend apart. His response wasn't at all what you expected. Stunned, you stayed silent. "I'm going home." He was embarrassed after waiting around the diner for over an hour, looking like a loner – one of Reggie's bigger fears. "Do you know how lucky you are to be with me? You don't act like it, [Y/N]."

Eyebrows raised, you shot up at the waist on the neatly made bed and shook your head. The arguments always went one of two ways with Reggie. He either began to tease you lightly, insinuating sexual innuendos in a cheeky manner, or he grew mean. Clearly, he was taking the latter route this time. It wasn't common that he chose that when it came to you. He usually reserved his cruel and unkind route for the likes of Betty Cooper or Jughead Jones, but today was your unlucky day. You assumed there was a deeper issue going on, but since he was already worked up, you weren't interested in asking why he was making mountains out of molehills.

"If you're asking if I am glad we are together, the answer is 'yes'..." Cautiously, you chose your words. "If you're insinuating that doing me a favor by being with me then I'm sorry I don't understand..."

"Maybe, I am!" He wasn't thinking. Reggie was letting his anger take over his mouth. "You're not Josie or Cheryl, you know? What's so special about you outside of being my girlfriend, huh?" Reggie knew where to hurl his insults. Everyone had a weakness. When you two first started spending time together, you were outside of his circle. You weren't a cheerleader or a fancy family friend with endless money. If you hadn't been paired up for a history assignment, you weren't sure you two would have ever exchanged numbers or spent any time together.

"I don't know, Reggie!" It was your turn to snap at him and let your words snarl in an unflattering manner. He felt so free to be so vicious that you decided to not hold back either. "I will spend the wholedrive back to Riverdale trying to come up with reasons I am good enough to be with motherfucking starboy Reginald Mantle," He tried to interrupt you, a verbal eye roll ready in his throat, but you didn't let him get another word in. "but if I can come up with one reason tostay your girlfriend after this conversation, that will be a miracle."

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