One little omega

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"I fucking hated high school and now I have to go back? What fucking bullshit is this?"

I glanced at the grumpy blonde beside me who was driving us to Scenic High. Of course Yoongi hyung was grumpy since he had to wake up at 7 am, instead of the usual 10 am in his case. Yoongi and I were both college students. I had reached the fine age of twenty while my grumpy friend over here was twenty-one. Our pack had been called by a nearby high school where a few of our pack members had gone to in their teenage years. The school asked us for help since the young and new werewolves arriving at Scenic high for the first time would need guidance to this new life. The high school life that was filled with werewolves from other packs, humans and much more tension between rivals and mates.

Yoongi and I were both free on Mondays since we had no classes and so our pack sent us to the highschool. I was happy to help kids with their problems, while Yoongi's mood sank under freezing point.

"Come on, cheer up. At least we don't have to attend classes", I smiled, fixing my newly dyed hair in the rear view mirror.

"I could have been sleeping right now", Yoongi grumbled, "Sleeping tops everything".

"Aren't you a grumpy old beta", I clicked my tongue in annoyance, "Just put on a fake smile on that saggy face of yours and shut your mouth".

I noticed Yoongi glancing at me through the mirror. His surprised expression soon morphed into an amused one when he arched his eyebrows.

"I know you've been trying to act like an alpha lately, but you're not getting scarier just by having sassy remarks", he stated, slowing down the car when we reached the school.

I sighed and leaned my head against the cool window when we were parked, "It seems that everything I've done in my life isn't so alpha-like. I get it. I'm just not very alpha-y".

"I don't think that's even a word", Yoongi pointed out, stepping out of the car.

"And I don't think I even care".

I followed him out of the car and into the school. Lots of students roamed around the building, all looking dressed up for their first day of school. Lockers were being decorated or filled with books and some boys tried fitting a person into one. It failed, obviously.

"I kinda miss high school", I sighed nostalgic, stuffing my hands inside my pockets.

"I'm just going to ignore you said that", Yoongi turned on his heels, glancing around the hallway, "Let's find the principal's office. I hate being surrounded by little kids".

"They're only a few years younger than you. And you're little yourself", I snickered, dodging the slap coming my way.

We found the office at the end of the third hallway we walked through. When I was about to step in a hand on my chest stopped me.

"Stay here", Yoongi said, dropping his hand again, "You'll just make a fool out of us when you're in there".

"Hey!", I whined, crossing my arms.

"That's what I mean", he sighed, turning his back to me, "Now be a good pup and stay there".

"I'm only a year younger & I'll be the head alpha in the future. How dare you treat me like this", I scoffed but he just closed the door in front of my face. Rude.

So I was left standing in the hallway, humming to myself as children walked past me with newly made or old friends. Some girls glanced at me and started whispering to their friends. They probably thought they were being subtle, but when you're a werewolf you hear everything in a close distance.

"Holy hell he's so cute", a girl with brown hair whispered to her two friends.

"He seems older than the rest of us. What do you think he's doing here?", her friend replied.

"I don't know but he's not wearing an uniform... Maybe a new teacher?", the first girl spoke excitedly.

"I hope so", the third girl whispered dreamily, "There aren't many hot guys like him in this school".

"That's because all these boys are so annoying and childlike. He seems like a real man".

I scoffed silently to myself hearing those words. My friends wouldn't agree with that statement since I've been called childlike all my life long. The innocent and carefree alpha who doesn't want to fight.

A group of boys joined the whispering girls who stood in front of their lockers. The boys were chuckling to each other but one of them had a red handprint on his cheek.

"What happened to you?", one of the girls asked unimpressed.

The boy rubbed his neck ashamed.

"He tried flirting with Jeon", one of his friends smirked, clapping the embarrassed guy on the back, "But that quickly backfired at him".

"How many times have I told you that Jungkook doesn't want anyone near him", a girl scolded him, "He's not even gay I think. Why is every guy so obsessed with him?"

"And a few girls", another girl pointed out.

"I don't know. But every guy seemed interested in him and they all got rejected so I thought, why don't I give it a try?", the bruised guy shrugged.

I quickly picked up on another conversation between a boy and a girl who walked past me. The name Jeon Jungkook also falling from their lips.

"I heard Jungkook got harassed again", the girl spoke to the boy.

"Yes and this time by a human boy? That guy probably doesn't know why everyone tries to get it on with Jeon".

"Just like you tried last year", the girl pointed out, "You're not even gay anyway? Why do it?"

They were almost out of earshot when I heard the boy answer, "He's a cute male omega with a sweet scent. Nobody can resist that".

A male omega in this school?

The bell rang and Yoongi still hadn't come out of the office. Maybe he fell asleep on his way back. It wouldn't surprise me.

The hallways cleared until the only noise left were the teachers talking to their class behind closed doors. It felt weird being in school again but not being a student. I felt like I was supposed to be in class but I didn't even have class. The sudden fear of being too late and being scolded by my teacher was quickly pushed away when I heard footsteps coming my way. A boy turned the corner and he looked at me as I was the most filthy thing on earth. He threw me a wary glare and proceeded his way down the corridor, quickly passing me as if I was a wild animal.

I took a step towards him, wanting to ask him why he was still roaming around school when classes had already started, but was surprised when the boy quickly jumped back and pressed himself against the wall.

"Get the fuck away from me", he hissed, venom dripping off his words like I was a dangerous creature to him.

I took a few steps back and saw his eyes widen the slightest. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts and ran down the corridor, leaving me alone & confused.

The scent he left lingering rapidly brought me back to my senses.

Was he the omega the other kids were talking about?

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