Twenty eight little omegas

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Happy new year everyone!
I wish everyone a year full of good health, love and lots of fun! May all your dreams and wishes come true ♥︎

Taehyung's P.O.V

I really felt horrible. I had been blocking Jungkook's mind links since last week because it was distracting me from my task. It hurt me to know he was missing me as much as I was missing him, but I didn't want to fail as a leader of the search team. My dad had given me another chance and I was taking it. For me and for Jungkook.

Yoongi made a hand motion, consisting of his two fingers pointing at his other palm and circling them around. It meant we were closing in on the trail and were surrounding the people we had been chasing for almost a week now.

I nodded and gave the other betas and alphas that were in the team a nod. They closed in on the target while me and Yoongi linked the other wolves that were hidden behind the trees on the other side.

I was really glad Yoongi had been granted permission to join me in this team as well. I wouldn't be able to lead this team without him. He had much more brute force than me which kept the other team members on edge.

Now I look back on that moment where we had been ready to attack the Silvermoon clan, thinking this was their hideout, I should've realized how wrong the situation was. It was too quiet in the forest, the two men we had been following we're too oblivious of us and the woods were too far away to actually drag omegas to.

So now I sit here, locked in a cellar with chains wrapped around my feet and wrists, blaming myself for being so utterly stupid. I don't know how many team members got away or how many were taken. It had been already too late to save them and the last thing I had seen before passing out, was Yoongi sprinting off, dodging wolfsbane arrows and being chased by multiple men dressed in black.

I sigh and cuddle closer to myself. It's cold and damp in the small room, meaning I'm somewhere under the ground. Every time I pant, my breath goes white and fades into the air. The chains I'm bound to are made of silver, but not entirely. They hurt me, but not enough to make me pass out or let me scream out in pain. They just weaken my wolf enough, and I'm certain that if I'll be any longer down here, my wolf will pass out, or worse, die.

I realize Jungkook is able to feel my pain too, and will probably start to worry why he's feeling like this. I hope he alarms his father and not do anything irrational himself. Doesn't matter how you see it, he's still an omega, and that's what the Silvermoon clan wants to take away from us.

"Ah, you're awake", a voice speaks up. I glance at the person and feel my eyes widening. This can't be. What are they doing here!?

"What is the meaning of this?", I yell out, struggling against my chains. I can stand up with them but not entirely.

"So feisty", they giggle, "Pity you're not an omega".

"Why am I here? Where are my pack mates?", I growl but it comes out weak since my wolf isn't doing that good.

The person rolls its eyes and chuckles, "One of my men thought you were an omega. I specifically told them to find me the male omega but they came barging in with you".

This set me off and could feel my teeth growing, "What do you want with Jungkook?"

"Don't worry your pretty head about it", they smile, closing in on me, "Besides, that mark on your neck was the reason they caught you. If you hadn't reeked of omega in the first place, you wouldn't be here at all".

I feel their hand pressing down on the mark on my neck and my wolf whines in need. I know it misses Jungkook's wolf but it's not like I can do anything about it.

"You've become such a submissive alpha Taehyung".

I push the person away with my chained hand and show off my canines.

"Don't touch me", I growl which makes the other person laugh.

"I guess it's just artificial submission after all", they say, "Don't worry. Your struggling will be over soon".

I frown as the door shuts closed and the room becomes silent once again.

What's happening? I need to mind link Jungkook but my wolf's too weak for that.

How can I get out?

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