Thirty three little omegas

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Hoseok's face stood grim as he inspected the scene in front of him. Kim Taehyung was bound to a chair, his body pale and weak as it fought against the chains. Two guards stood on either side of the boy and carried not so friendly looking weapons. A ton of other men guarded the doors that were barricaded heavily and Lisa stood in the middle of it all, a wicked smile painted on her face.

The warrior wolves growled, ready to begin attack and get Lisa. The black haired girl blinked and tilted her head at her former pack members.

"Your men are a tad aggressive Hoseokie. Tell them not to growl at their future luna", she spoke in a soft voice, though the only reaction she got back was a scoff from her brother.

"You left your pack and caused pain all over the werewolves packs. You're a rogue now", he replied without emotion.

Lisa laid her hand on her heart and smiled sadly, "That hurt big brother. I have feelings too you know?"

Another scoff echoed in the big room, except this one came from the weakened alpha. "Never noticed that", he mumbled and in return got a kick against his shins.

Hoseok frowned at the sight. He had never actually seen his sister act aggressive. But here she was, the villain of the story and evildoer of the werewolves.

"What's your plan here Lisa? You're hurting everyone, even the omegas. They don't even want to be here", Hoseok stated and saw his sister's face darken.

"That's only because they are blinded by their bond with betas and alphas. They think they need protection. Someone stronger to love them. But I'll show them they'll be fine on their own".

"You're not worthy of being a werewolf", one of the warriors named Jackson spat.

"I don't need an alpha telling me what I'm worthy of and what not", Lisa growled, "Hoseok, I'm giving you a chance to join me. My guards won't hurt you and you'll reign this kingdom together with me. We'll grant the omegas a good life. You can even become an alpha!"

It finally clicked inside of the beta's mind. Why Taehyung had been taken. Why he was here in this room. Why he was weakened but not killed.

"You want me to pierce through Taehyung's heart?", he spoke in disbelief, "How much of a monster do you think I am? I'm not the same as you. You've seemed to have inherited all the evil of the two of us".

The omega sighed, "Never expected you to call your own sister a monster, but I had to see it coming. Well then, I guess I'll give you no choice then".

The doors behind them fell closed and guards filled the room. Lisa released Taehyung and pushed him into the middle of the room.

"Nobody leaves this room before Kim Taehyung is killed".

And with that she walked out, locking the door behind her, hearing roars come from both sides.

"Can't we just seduce the guards to let us out of here?", Jimin sighed, staring longingly at the door, "We're cute right?"

Jin rolled his eyes, "They are werewolf hunters. We're werewolves. I don't think that will play out well".

As if on cue the door opened and guards came in, carrying weapons which we're aimed at the omegas. One of them pulled Jimin out of the room who whined because of the strong grip and another dragged Jin out who waved Jungkook goodbye. The omega sighed, thinking he was left alone again until someone was pushed into his cellar before the door was locked again.

A girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes dusted off her clothes and scrambled off the ground, frowning at the scrape wounds on her knees and palms.

"Hi", she then piped up, seeing the confused boy standing in front of her.

"Hey", he replied, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"You're on omega", she pointed out as she caught his scent.

"So are you", Jungkook commented. The girl rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Yeah I know, but a male omega is very rare to see. It's the first time I see one".

Jungkook huffed, "Well, here I am".

"You're not really a sunshine are you?", she spoke before she made herself comfortable on the ground. The male omega scoffed and sat down as well.

"Well sorry I'm not excited to be kidnapped, to know my mate is on the verge of being killed, and knowing what Lisa has in store for me".

"Who's Lisa?", she asked in confusion.

"The omega who kidnapped us all to build a pack consisting of omegas only so the alphas and betas go extinct", Jungkook said in one breath, "Also the person who wants my mate dead".

"She sounds horrible".

He hummed, "She really is".

"So what does she have in store for you?", she asked in curiosity which made Jungkook realize just how young she looked. Her face was still so childlike and her eyes shone of life. He didn't want to tell her Lisa's plan. He didn't even want to think about it. He hoped he'd never have to think about it again.

"How old are you?", he asked, deciding on ignoring her question for as long as possible.

"15 years old", she smiled, "My birthday was two weeks ago". When she smiled, a gap between her teeth was visible. It made her look cute, the kind of adorableness you saw in a child. She was still so young.

"Oh", Jungkook nodded, the lump in his throat making it hard to breath, "I'm 18. What's your name?"

"Anna-Marie Chateaux", she grinned back, "My family is part French. I was five when we moved to Korea".

"That's a pretty name", he dared to smile back, enjoying the girl's company. She was bright and smiley, still so unaware and innocent on what was about to come.

The door again opened and Lisa walked inside. Her face lit up.

"I see you two are getting along just fine. I came by to see how you two were doing. Jungkook", her blue eyes bored into his scared ones, "You know the reason she's here. If there's nothing happening in half an hour I'll make sure you'll get a reason to make something happen".

Anna-Marie looked confused at Jungkook while his gaze was still stuck on Lisa's grinning face. The black haired girl made a hand motion, her thumb gliding across her neck while her other hand pointed to the youngest omega in the room. She then left and his gaze was once again on the fifteen year old.

Jungkook gulped.

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