Five little omegas

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A lot of POV changing sorryyy. I burnt myself a few days ago and the wound looks really bad. Like, woah I'm disgusted by looking at my own hand.

Jungkook's P.O.V

In one week I was turning 18 and my parents were already preparing the ceremony of my adolescence. There had been multiple attempts of showing me pictures of betas and alphas that were going to be head of their pack in the future. Since they didn't really believe I was going to find my mate, they were planning on mating me with someone from a nearby pack, someone who could make our pack stronger by merging his pack with ours.

Since I was supposed to become luna of the pack, the pictures were all from men that were older and more dominant than me. Somebody who could control me and claim me as his. Of course I refused all of their offers which didn't really please them.

I was forced to choose one and went with a beta who had an omega sister. A beta wasn't that bad and didn't have that much control over me at least. Maybe I could just befriend this dude and refuse him kindly.

I examined his picture and found out that he looked like the happy-go-lucky type of person. He had a bright smile on his face and hazelnut brown hair. He seemed pretty cool.

Jung Hoseok

22 years old


Son of the Sun Flower's pack head alpha

"I'm happy you chose somebody", mother spoke softly when she walked into my room. She laid her hand on my shoulder and pecked the top of my head, "We only want what's best for you".

I suppressed my scoff by biting my lip, "By marrying me off to some stranger?"

"He'll take good care of you", she smiled, "Besides, you picked a good man. I heard his sister is promised to an alpha from the Tulip pack. If we're lucky this'll be the best bond forging we've had in centuries".

I stared at the bright smile on mother's face and felt guilty for always whining about becoming luna. I didn't want such a role. I wanted to be the head of the pack, and not just the wife.

But it made my parents so happy and I didn't want bring them down.

"When am I meeting him?", I asked and noticed her face almost glowing because of happiness.

"That's the best part-"

Taehyung's P.O.V

I furrowed my eyebrows as I scanned the gym room. All the students from last week had showed up, except for one.

"Jeon Jungkook ditched our class again", I murmured, feeling Yoongi's eyes on me.

"He's an omega. Why is he even in this class?", Yoongi scoffed, turning his attention back on the pups who were being pestered by seniors.

The freshman's had to control their wolf by remaining calm and concentrating on their inner focus while the seniors threw insults at their head. This would prepare them for encounters in school that could get bloody if the werewolves didn't know how to calm themselves down.

A growl rippled through the air and the room went silent when one of the freshman had transformed into her wolf. The brown wolf jumped on one of the seniors whose eyes flashed yellow.

"Melody!", I yelled sternly, using my alpha voice & seeing the brown wolf freeze momentarily, "Calm down!".

The wolf shuddered and the form collapsed on the ground, only now it was a human form. We werewolves weren't one to have problems with nudity since every time we changed we were naked.

"Everyone, take a five minute break", Yoongi yelled, and dismissed the group. The freshman and seniors started talking and walking to the locker room while me and Yoongi walked over to the girl whose friends ran into the locker room to bring the girl's spare clothing.

"What set you off?", I asked, seeing her eyes flicker yellow.

"He talked shit about my mother", she said through gritted teeth, "She was killed by rogues last year. I couldn't take his insults aimed at a woman who was nothing but a good person to everyone".

I sighed, "People will try to bring you down by saying things like that. Don't take them to heart. They didn't know her so they can't judge her. If she was a good person in your eyes then believe that and just scoff at the others for being so ignorant".

She nodded and accepted the clothes offered by her friends.

"Let's begin again".

Jungkook's P.O.V

I looked into his bedroom mirror with a horrified expression on my face. I was meeting Hoseok tonight and yes, it was only a day later since my mother told me this. I had one day to mentally prepare myself for this evening.

One of the maid omegas had chosen my outfit and I was horrified about the way I looked. Tight black jeans, baby blue satin shirt and a choker. A goddamn choker. Was I some edgy teenage girl or something? I was going to take it off as soon as my parents weren't looking.

"Jungkook!", I heard my mother yell. I threw one last look into the mirror, frowning at the fragile person staring back at me.

"I'm here", sighing I stepped out of the house. My father was already in the car and my mom ushered me in, telling me how pretty I looked and praising the clothes the maid chose for me.

"I'm so nervous", mother said, waving some cold air into her face, "Three packs meeting for the first time is a stressful occasion".

Father chuckled and laid his hand on her leg, "It'll be alright. Our Jungkookie is well mannered boy".

"Most of the time", I mumbled which made them chuckle.

"Most of the time yes".

The ride didn't last long and I wished we would've just went through the woods in our wolf forms since it was only ten minutes away. The pack house was pretty impressive and a silver car was already parked next to it.

"The others must be here already", mother said when we stepped out into the warm summer air. The sun was setting already but it was still nice outside since it was summer. The sky colored an orange with purple mixture and I drowned into the pretty colors.

"Let's go Jungkook".

I sighed and followed my parents inside, feeling the anxiety rise inside of me.

Why did I agree with this?

A sudden scent which was familiar, especially the nervousness that was always residing into it, caught my attention. Looking up, the first I thing I saw was the usual fluffy soft red hair that was now perfectly styled into some fancy looking haircut. I sneered, hating the way it laid so neat. It had looked way better messy and fluffy like in school. Then there was the tan skin that complimented the red hair dye and the brown almond shaped eyes that had red specks drifting in them, informing everyone he was an alpha. His eyes widened and his plush lips parted, staring at me in disbelief while I threw him a short glare.

"Welcome in the Kim's Residence".

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