Eleven little omegas

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Ayoooo it's yo author here with another updatos.
さよならビチス ʕʔ

Also note: Jungkook isn't having his heat here yet though it may seem like it at first

Jungkook's P.O.V

I grunted, grabbing my head that throbbed painfully. My body trembled heavily as I tried forcing my wolf back inside, not wanting to let it slip out and let myself shift. I didn't know what was happening but I didn't like it one bit. Pants escaped past my lips every few seconds and the need to be with my mate increased.

My wolf whimpered and howled, sometimes growling whenever the image of their hug flashed in my mind. I wished I hadn't gone to the bathroom. I wish I hadn't stopped to glance out of the window. I wish I hadn't seen the honest smile that fell on their lips after Lisa and Taehyung ended their hug.

It made my wolf feel incredibly insecure. And it made my human bubble with anger and possessiveness. I had lost myself for bit when I got the chance to talk to Taehyung- well talking wasn't really the right word I guess. I scared him and then left him behind.

I sighed and bumped my head against my locker, wincing when the school bell rang loudly, hurting my wolf hearing. Students filled the hallway, their chattering amplifying the ringing in my ears. Lockers slammed shut and heels clicked against the marble tiles, all annoying sounds that made me want to escape this hell. I kicked myself off the wall and ended up stumbling in the middle of the hallway, clenching my teeth to bear with all of the noises. People bumped into me and send me flying everywhere. My hands smacked against the wall as I tried saving my body from flying head first against the lockers.

My head spun and I felt my canines growing. I didn't know why my wolf was suddenly acting up like this, but I had trouble controlling my body. The bell rang again and the hallway that was once filled with students was left empty again. I gasped for air as I slid down against the wall, balling the front of my shirt in my hand. I noticed my nails growing sharper and my vision changed. My heart thud loudly and I felt a sudden wetness on my cheeks.

"I-It hurts", I gasped, clenching my jaw to stop my canines from growing.


I reached out to the blurry figure standing a few feet away from me. It rushed to me and I felt myself being hauled up, and shortly after that picked up in the person's arms. I blinked the tears away and identified the blurry figure as Taehyung's friend and pack mate. He taught the pups together with Taehyung and I sniffled happily, grasping onto his sweater.

"P-Please- It h-hurts", I pleaded, "T-Taehyung. Can y-you bring me t-to him?"

"Sure", he said, though a bit bewildered and confused by my request.

He started running through the school with me in his arms. My eyes fluttered closed as the fast passing hallways gave me motion sickness.

He stormed into a room and I heard the double doors slam against the wall.

"Taehyung", he yelled and I gasped for air as tears began to pool my vision again. The overwhelming scent that came from the alpha made my insides finally stop churning and I sighed relieved when I was laid onto the ground and a hand touched my cheek.

"Jungkook?", his deep voice seemed to fill my whole body and bring it back into my control. He tried retracting his hand but I grabbed his wrist with both my hands, keeping his touch in place.

I saw Taehyung glancing at Yoongi with a look that told him to give us some privacy. Yoongi nodded, though he seemed worried about the situation. He closed the doors behind him and I realized we were in the locker room where I first met him.

"What's wrong?", he asked, his brown eyes that swirled with red stared at me worriedly.

"I-I-", I broke down in sobs again, feeling so goddamn vulnerable in front of him wasn't doing me any good. I wasn't used to showing my weak side to people but here I was- sobbing in front of an alpha I've only known for a few weeks.

"I-It's going to be alright Jungkook", he told me, panic evident in his voice. I was sure he didn't know what he was supposed to do, and so I did the thing my body was yearning for. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him down, almost crushing him in my hold to feel his body heat and his skin on mine.

His yelp didn't bother me at all because this was all I needed for the moment. To have the alpha by my side and safe in my arms.

"J-Jungkook?", he stuttered and I felt his head that was tucked underneath my chin, nudging further into my chest, probably to hide his flushed cheeks, "What-"

I shushed him and ran my hand through his soft red air, "I just need you right now".

His body relaxed into my hold and I felt him hug me back, his cheek squished against my chest.

"I'll be here when you need me Jungkook", he whispered, squeezing my hand shortly, "I'm glad you realized that now".

I smiled & closed my eyes, happy to have control over my wolf again.

And maybe also a little happy to have Taehyung so close to me.

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