What is ThaFantasticFoursome? A rap about my works

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"Start the jingle boys!"

🎺*commercial jingle starts*🎺

"Are you into fanfictions about bad boys?

Well take your pick because I've got 3 of those.

Demons can be really slick,

that's why I've written about them in 2 of my fanfics.

If you have a sweet tooth, then Tiny paws might be something for you.

Or are you into bottom Kook?

Then The Dark Inside Of Me is definitely worth a look.

I've got mermaids, vampires and time travel stuff,

But most of all, expect a lot of angst & fluff.

Don't forget my werewolf stories!

I have 4 of them so it might get boring.

Split personas, runaway princes or a boyfriend that's whack,

In Dimensions you'll see all of your favorite fanfictions back.

I'm ThaFantasticFoursome, but just call me the waffle!

I hope to see you around voting or commenting on my books,

Welcome to a world of vkook!"


(I realize I should really update, but frankly it is getting late. I'll find a spot between my studies so tae and kook can become more than buddies. I'll promise you a lot of fluff or maybe just a little angst in case there isn't enough. Now I'll really stop with this rhyme because it's taking up a lot of time. Bye everyone see you tomorrowz and again thanks for all the follows. See ya soon see ya later, bye bye alligator)

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