Eighteen little omegas

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Jungkook's P.O.V

The wind swept against the pavement, lifting sand and dirt off the ground and making it swirl together. I kicked a pebble that laid in my way and it skipped across the tiles, eventually ending up against a lantern. It was almost night, only a vague orange hue colored the already dark sky. The sun had been setting ever since I left school to go home.

My bike had broken down which was fucking great. When I was about to call my mom, who I knew was working, I noticed that my phone battery had drained completely. I didn't bring a jacket meaning I was frozen from head to toe because the holy entity above us declared war on the world by sending a storm to go down on me. It had stopped raining a few minutes ago but I was still soaked completely.

The only thing I wanted to do right then was jump into my bed, huddle up in my blanket and sleep this horrible day away. But of course it wouldn't go that easy. The door was locked and of fucking course I had forgotten to bring the keys with me today. Both my parents were away and the pack grounds were empty because it was already night time. I heaved myself onto the windowsill and pushed open my window that I had left open this morning. Sliding into my room I let the window open a bit and immediately dived into bed, slinging my backpack to the side.

I didn't know what had caused it, maybe it was the softness of the mattress, or the sight of my homework piled up on my desk, with no time to finish it. Or maybe it was this day that didn't seem to come to an end and how I had known from the first step outside this morning that this day wouldn't go as planned. From the first shove to my locker to the last hungry alpha I managed to escape, it made all my built up walls break down into completely vulnerability. Tears started welling up in my eyes and my body trembled as the first sobs left my mouth. Holding things in for too long was one of my greatest abilities but one way or another I would crack and cry like a little baby, much as I was doing now.

My mind was in war with myself, both wanting to feel pity for myself, but also ashamed for breaking down so easily. I felt like a goddamn omega at this moment and I wanted it to stop.


My wails had blocked out the other sounds in the room and only now my senses picked up on the familiar scent being presented inside of the room. A gentle touch on my arm coaxed me into quietening down my sobs and soon enough I felt the bed dip down and warm arms wrap around me.

"What are you doing here?", I sniffled, nevertheless burying my face in the crook of Taehyung's neck.

"I don't know honestly", he sighed, his hand slowly finding its way to my hair before slowly running through it, "I think- I don't know- I guess I felt your pain? My wolf seemed restless and I noticed something being off immediately. My first plan was to just sleep it off but somehow I ended up in here and seeing you cry made me realize my wolf was must have felt how yours felt".

"That's fucking weird", I mumbled, tightening my arms around his frame just to hold him that little closer, "But thank you I guess".

"You're welcome", he grinned, nosing my hair, "Want to tell me what's wrong?"

I released his body and turned on my other side that faced away from him.

"Just had a shitty day", I mumbled, squishing my face against the pillow.

The grip he had on me came back again only now he was hugging me from behind, placing his chin on my shoulder. His body slotted against mine and my wolf howled in delight from being able to feel all of him so perfectly against me.

I shivered as his breath fanned against my ear and he seemed to notice. Though he was the most insecure one of the two of us he still pressed a hesitant kiss on the bare skin of my shoulder.

"Need me to make it better?", he whispered and I swore goosebumps littered the skin his breath just hit.

"Since when are you so confident?", I asked, turning in his arms to see the faint blush spread on his cheeks.

"I guess my wolf sometimes speaks up before I can stop it", he smiled softly, "But it was a honest question. I know your presence soothes me and I've done the same to you once before. If you want... I wouldn't mind spending the night with you here".

I thought for a moment, glancing at him through my eyelashes and noticing the anxious expression on his face.

"Sure", I smiled, throwing him a pillow from the other side of the bed which he clumsily caught in his hands, "But for your information: I sleep without clothes on".


My shirt flew in the air together with my jeans that landed somewhere on the floor. I left my underwear on, obviously, and closed my eyes, snuggling into the covers.

"Goodnight", I called out, hearing him huff once more before his clothes hit the ground too. My eyes shot open once he pulled me flush against his body again, now feeling the heat radiate off his bare chest that was pressed against my naked back.

"Oh just forget about me being the little spoon you doofus", I grumbled, turning him around to which he yelped before wrapping my arms around his waist and spooning him, "This is much better".

I ignored his mutters and grumbles before he finally seemed to melt into my hold and snuggle a bit closer to me.

"Goodnight dumb omega".

"Goodnight stupid alpha".


I was tagged (I normally don't really do this but I was procrastinating)

I was tagged (I normally don't really do this but I was procrastinating)

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