Thirty one little omegas

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My wattpad crashed yesterday morning and I kept getting a message that there was a partial system outage so I couldn't update this chapter though I had written it yesterday noon. I didn't feed you on time (;_;)

Taehyung's P.O.V

My wrists stung terribly as I expected them. The cuffs around my feet and wrists had been removed ever since I got to experience Lisa's torture and it lightened a lot of my pain. I had no idea why they thought it was a good idea to strengthen my wolf again, but here I was, sitting in my usual cellar, able to step around freely.

I would try to break the cellar door but my wolf hearing quickly picked up on the electricity running through the metal door. The soft humming of a powerful electric network was the only thing heard in the room, with the exception of my steady heartbeat and breathing.

I sunk to the floor and leaned my head against the cold grey wall.

'Hey noodle'

My whole body twitched at the sudden voice that echoed through my head.


'Don't yell like that. It hurts my head'.

'Sorry. How are you able to mindlink me?'

'Lisa locked me up close to you. How are you?'

'Could've been better. Wait- You're here!? How?'

'Liam snuck into my room without any of the guards noticing it I guess. He took me here. Lisa just told me her evil plan and walked out like a real villain'.

'What's her plan?'

I frowned. Why did she tell Jungkook her plan, but let me in the dark?

'Basically: she's going to take all of the omegas and start a pack on her own with only omegas allowed in it. The male omegas, which are me and two other dudes, are supposed to take care of the reproduction'.

I choked on my spit and heard Jungkook's chuckle through my head.

'Crazy right?'

'Why do you sound so okay with all of this?'

'I'm not. But I have hope Hoseok will save us from this. And if Lisa's the villain, then we must be the good guys. And the good guys always survive'.

'Why Hoseok?'

'He's coming here with the warriors of the Sun Flower pack'.

'That's a terrible idea. They'll just kill them without hesitation. Lisa has werewolf hunters for god's sake. They shoot wolfbane arrows!'

'Don't stress too much. It's futile to think about what's going come, anyway'.

I sighed.

'Fine. I'll worry about what's going on now, then. Why the hell does Lisa want us to talk?'

'What do you mean?'

'She removed the cuffs which weakened my wolf in the first place. Why would she suddenly take them off so my wolf could regain its power again?'

A silence took up the words in my head and soon his voice came back.

'You think this is her plan?'

'Why else would I still be alive? Why else would she place you so close to me so we'd be able to mind link each other'

'You're right. She told me she wants all alphas dead, but you're one of them".

He stopped talking again.

'Oh god'


My heart beat accelerated at his dread filled voice.

'She told me she hated you for taking in Hoseok's place for marrying me, only because you were an alpha and he's a weaker beta. Isn't there some myth that states you can steal an alphas power by piercing through his heart'


'And Hoseok is on his way here'.

'No- don't tell me-'

'She thinks she has weakened your wolf enough for a beta to take you on. So Hoseok could kill you in the state you're in'.

My eyes fluttered closed as my heart hammered heavily in my chest. With trembling fingers I rubbed my temples, trying to regain my normal breathing that had gone to a hasty panting.

'I don't want to die Kook'.

'I'm sure you'll be able to take him down. You're an alpha Taehyung! My alpha! You're strong!'

His voice sounded so hopeful, but I could only guess how his real expression looked like.

'Please Tae, you need to live. Not only for yourself but for your pack, your family, me. Everyone needs you".

The first sob racked through my body.

'I'll try'.

'I love you Taehyungie".

I smiled through the tears that fell down on my pained figure.

'I love you too Kook'.

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