Nineteen little omegas

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Well I guess I should've seen this coming".

A woman's voice woke me up from my slumber and I opened my eyes, only to see Jungkook's mother standing in the doorway. She arched her eyebrows at me, noticing I was awake. She then motioned her head for me to follow her as she left the room and waited for me in the hallway. I felt my cheeks flush, realizing the position I was in and quickly slid out of the comforting arms I was wrapped into. Jungkook groaned in displeasure and patted around the mattress while I threw on a shirt and followed her onto the hallway, closing the door behind me.

"So...", she started, leaning against the wall with both arms crossed over each other.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, glancing shyly at the ground.

"You and my son", she proceeded.

I nodded, going to fumble with the end of my shirt.

"So you're the mystery mate we were searching for. The one he's choosing over Hoseok", she spoke and I felt her eyes on my fingers, "Tell me, do you love my son?"

I almost choked on my own saliva and tried to hide my coughs.

"I've only known him for a few weeks, most of them without him knowing I was his mate. I'm sorry to say but I haven't fallen in love with him in such a short time, we're also not official yet. I do like him though", I replied honestly, feeling myself grow redder. Would she disapprove of us?

She hummed, "Good answer. Even though you're mates you should take it slow since you have to get to know each other. I'm glad you're doing that".

"Thank you", I mumbled, a small smile playing on my lips though I still felt embarrassed.

"But why were you in my son's bed?", she asked, a bit sharper this time, "While being the little spoon?"

There I went again, choking on my spit.

"H-He had a bad day yesterday and my wolf felt that something was wrong. I stayed since I knew our presence soothes each other", I explained, my heart thudding loudly due the embarrassment flooding my veins, "And your son seems to really like dominating me, even though I'm an alpha and he's an omega".

His mother started laughing and her eyes lit up, "I guess he found his true mate. He has always had a feisty personality which I presume comes from being born out of two alphas. I feared he would never find a beta or alpha to fit with him but you seem just submissive enough to date him".

Is it just in Jeon's blood to embarrass me time after time? My cheeks bloomed a bright red again and I dropped my head, hearing her laugh. At the same time, while drowning out her voice, my ears picked up low chuckling that came from the room next door. I sighed, knowing Jungkook was using his wolf hearing to eavesdrop on our conversation and had heard everything his mother had said.

"Let's get you back to my son before he starts worrying where you are".

I hummed, though I knew Jungkook wasn't worrying at all. Instead he was laughing his ass off as soon I stepped inside of the room, hearing his mother walk off into the other direction.

"You think this is funny", I spoke sternly, placing my hands on my hips, "I almost died of embarrassment".

"I'm laughing because I'm happy she accepted you", he chuckled, wiping away his tears, "And relieved because this means I don't have to tell her anymore".

I hummed and crawled into bed again, sighing as I laid my head on the pillow.

"And of course because that was hilarious as fuck".

I huffed and rolled on my side, eyeing the laughing boy whose cheeks were starting to see red from laughing so hard.

"You're really cute".

It was only a mumble but it made his laughter simmer down immediately until he was left staring wide eyed at me.

"Did you just call me cute?", he asked, pointing at himself.

"Hmm", I hummed, reaching out to cup his now flushed cheeks, "You're really adorable when you're happy like this. Even though you hide behind this cold mask most of the time, you're still just a 18 year old boy with messy black hair and with stuffies hiding in his closet".

His eyes widened once again and I smiled when a confused expression made itself known on his face.

"The pink ear of your bunny stuffie is stuck between your closet door", I whispered and laughed at his unamused expression, "That must hurt".

"I hate you", he huffed, crossing his arms sternly, "I'm taking that elephant back I gave you".

"Not Mister Elephant!", I exclaimed with a gasp,"He's all warm and cuddly, how will I live without that".

Jungkook loosened his arms and threw me a lopsided smirk, "You still have me".


I'm glad I do have you.

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