Six little omegas

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Jungkook's P.O.V

My eyes flicker from where Kim Taehyung is standing to another guy who was giving me a beaming grin. His eyes were a mixture of green and yellow and his face was lit up with happiness. I recognized him as the beta I chose to be my mate.

Next to him stood a girl who was a lot shorter than he was. Her dark brown hair was neatly braided and she wore a long blue dress which mixed with her eyes. I looked down and realized I was also wearing blue. But she wasn't wearing a choker! Why the hell am I wearing it then!?

I huffed and was guided by my parents to sit around the big dining table. I sat across of Hoseok while his sister sat next to him and Taehyung took a seat next to me. I could smell his alpha scent getting mixed with anxiety and realized that he must have been very stressed if even an omega with weaker senses could smell it that bad.

And what the hell was he even so nervous for? Because he had to talk to a girl? He's an alpha for god's sake, shouldn't he be used to flirting with every living soul?

I smiled to Hoseok, though it was strained, and watched how the food was brought to our table. I figured that the Kim's were quite rich and wondered if that was something important to my parents. Was Hoseok's pack big or rich? I didn't really know.

I sighed and started filling my plate with food. What was I even doing here? Is this what I had become? Me, playing the role of an omega and finding a mate? That's not what I wanted. But it is what my parents had been dreaming of.

"How old are you Jungkook?", Hoseok finally asked, starting a conversation. The table was already filled with chatter and I heard Lisa giggling to a joke Taehyung made.

"17", I said, sipping from my water, "But I'll be eighteen in a week".

I figured Hoseok probably knew this already since he had a file of me too, but he decided to ask it anyway as a formal matter.

I realized the conversation next to us had suddenly halted and the familiar scent that had been less nervous suddenly doubled. I glanced sideways to a Taehyung who was drinking from his water, his leg wobbling underneath the table due stress.

"Are you nervous?", Hoseok asked, hinting at the coming of age ceremony.

I shrugged, "Not really. It's not like I'll find my mate".

I felt Taehyung stiffen at those words and I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from commenting on it.

"You never know", Hoseok smiled, sending me a wink, "Though I wish you don't".

I rolled my eyes. Most omegas would have blushed or their heart would have fluttered. But I found it lame honestly.

Dinner ended an hour later and dessert would arrive soon. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and once I was inside, I yanked the choker off, stuffing it inside of my pocket. The eyeliner the maid had drawn on me was a bit smudged and I couldn't wait to get back home and get it off. I despised make-up. I always smudge it or get it on my hands or clothes by forgetting I'm wearing any.

Once I got back out of the bathroom I noticed a figure standing by the large window which looked down upon the forest. The moon stood high though it wasn't full moon just yet.

"I thought you didn't want to be submissive to anyone", the figure spoke and I recognized the deep voice.

"Who says I'm going to be?", I responded, leaning against the wall. His figure was lighted by the moon and it made him have a mysterious glow. His feminine body was clad in a white shirt with black tie and black jeans. His red hair stood out but it looked almost silver in the moon light.

"Of course you chose a beta", he said with a soft chuckle at the beginning, "An alpha would never be a choice to you would it?"

I scoffed, "I'd rather kill myself than be controlled by your kind".

I heard him sigh and he glanced over his shoulder back to me, "What would you do if you find our that your mate is an alpha?"

"Reject him", I responded automatically, "And if that doesn't work, kill him. I don't want to be tied down with some piece of shit alpha mother nature chose for me".

Taehyung turned his head back and looked up at the moon, almost bathing in the light now.

"I wish you happiness Jungkook. Being an omega isn't easy and you should do what you think is best for you", he said in a soft voice.

I tilted my head, confused why he was saying this to me.

He turned around and walked past me, halting for a moment before he said, "See you next week", and then entered the living room, leaving me standing confused in the dark hallway.

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