Thirty five little omegas

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I had a dream everyone on wattpad suddenly hated me & I got death threats and angry comments and all of my books got deleted. Even on twitter and Instagram there were hashtags like 'Ihaterani' and I fucking cried because I couldn't make a new account and start writing books again because they always found out and my accounts got deleted. I couldn't write anymore because no one wanted to read my fanfictions anymore and I was basically forced to stop writing forever since no one would read my books anymore and no one would ever want to publish a book by a hated author. When I woke up the first thing I did was check wattpad and cheer when I still got all my fanfictions and followers.

So that was my morning. How are you?

 How are you?

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I was pushed behind the Sun Flower pack warriors as they stormed towards the oncoming Silver Moon clan. I wanted to fight along the other werewolves but felt my body shutting down slowly and it took all of my strength not to pass out. The fight slowly turned out gruesome. The werewolves were fully transformed and trying to bite off as much heads and limbs as they could while the guard tried shooting and electrocuting them all. I noticed Hoseok throwing me a look, motioning me towards the least barricaded door.

'We alarmed the other packs when we found the hideout. They should be here by now. Find them and go save your mate'.

I nodded and stumbled over to the door in the back. The guards were too busy fighting off the rest of the wolves to notice me limping over to a point of escape. I pushed tables out of the way and clawed the wooden planks off the door that disabled me to reach the actual door.

"Where are you going wolfie?"

A deep voice startled me as a kick landed on my back, making me hit the door in front of me. I turned around before the guy could kick me again and noticed a werewolf sprinting towards us. He lunged at the unaware guard whose hands were now around my neck and brought us both down. I recognized the scent of Hoseok who was aggressively biting the man's throat while scratching open his stomach. I cringed at the sight and scrambled off the floor, trying to kick in the door as fast as possible before someone else came for me. The door gave in with my last kick and also notified the rest of the guards. This made them avert their attention to me which gave the wolves a perfect opportunity to attack.

I ran out of the room and onto an empty hallway. I went left and found a window that looked upon the forest. This seemed as the front of the house so I quickly broke the window and jumped through it, the glass cutting me in the progress. When I was finally outside I dropped down onto the ground and took a breather. It was a sunny day and the bright light hurt my eyes. Finally fresh air streamed through my lungs again and I inhaled deeply.

My wolf hearing picked up on the rustling in the trees and I quickly jumped back up. Narrowing me eyes I noticed people standing behind the trees and one stepped towards me.

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