Twenty little omegas

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School ended but now I have two weeks to study for oncoming exams. yay...

What do you want to get for Christmas? I want a totoro plushie!

Jungkook's P.O.V

School really started to become even harder than it already was. It wasn't much the classes that bored me or were more difficult than last year, it were the students in it. I think puberty hit most students by now, and when I say students: I mean the betas and alphas roaming around school. For some goddamn reason whenever they felt their hormones acting up, they immediately found their way to me. As if I was their personal rescue.

Right now I was hiding in one of the bathroom stalls, holding in my breath in case the alpha that had been chasing me was nearby. My body was growing tired of being on edge all day every day and it was slowly wearing me out. When I thought the coast was clear I let out a sigh of relief and stepped out of the cubicle.

Staring into the mirror, I could see my hair being damp from sprinting around school all the time. When footsteps halted at the bathroom's door I threw myself into the cubicle again and shut the door without making a sound. My heart hammered against my ribcage as I rummaged around my backpack that I had thrown off my shoulder in haste. With trembling fingers I pulled my phone out and dialed a number that was newly saved into my favorites.

"Jungkook?", I felt my heart thud at the familiar deep voice and breathed relieved into the device.

"Tae", I started, ignoring the fact I called him by his nickname, "Are you-"

The bathroom door slammed open and someone walked in with long strides. My nose picked up on the scent and my omega made me cower into a corner of the cubicle. It's that god forsaken alpha again. He'll pick up my scent immediately. There's no way I'm safe here. He'll rip off the cubicle's door in a matter of seconds.

"Come out omega. I know you're in there", the sultry voice spoke and I heard a knock coming from the other side of the door.

"Get the fuck away from me!", I yelled, pressing myself into the corner until I was squished against the wall, "Fix your own problems you horny fuck!"

"And what's the fun in that?", he chuckled, knocking on the door for the second time.

I hadn't noticed the mumbled sounds coming from the phone that I had been clutching to my chest for the whole time. I pressed the phone against my ear as the alpha started kicking the door down.

"Taehyung", I heard the boy's footsteps in the background, a signal he was running, hopefully to me, "Please. I know I act like I'm tough all the time but just this once, I need you to save me as if I'm a fucking damsel in distress".

I ended the call, not knowing whether or not he had heard me and threw the phone into my backpack that stood on the ground. Preparing myself for a fight I felt my eyes shift and my claws grow longer. I knew I wouldn't be able to take this boy on, but it would at least buy me some time in case Taehyung would actually come for me.

The door broke down and showed the almost completely shifted alpha standing behind it, wearing an amused smirk on his face.

"You're mine now".

"I think the fuck not".

Taehyung's P.O.V

Even though my breathing was ragged and my body was on the verge of falling apart, I still kept going without a thought. Jungkook's voice kept replaying in my head and though I couldn't help but let worry and anger flood through me, another spark of pride rose in me.

The little spoon is on his way to save his damsel!

Running past hallways, and turning corners every time, I followed his scent until it led me to the boy's bathroom. With no time to spare I kicked the door open, making the people in the room divert their attention to me. While Jungkook's cold but fearful eyes landed on me, his expression changed to relief. The alpha ignored me and went back to manhandling Jungkook, shoving him against the sink which made a groan of pain slip out of the younger's mouth.

I lunged at the alpha who hadn't seen me coming, too absorbed into the little omega in front of him. He landed on the ground with me on top of me, wasting no time into hitting him straight on the jaw.

"Run", I told Jungkook to which he nodded & disappeared out of the bathroom.

"Look dude", I grabbed the alpha's collar, noticing his red eyes fading to their original color again, "You can't just chase after an omega just because you're feeling hormonal. You need to learn to control your wolf, or it'll control you. Now get yourself back together or next time I hear you planned on claiming a wolf without their permission I'll come in here to rip your throat out".

"You aren't really scary, you know", he reacted, lifting an eyebrow in amusement.

"Fine then, I'm off to tell the principal about this little endeavor", I said, getting off him. I felt hands grabbing my shirt and he scrambled of the ground, a fearful look in his eyes.

"You can't do that dude! If my parents hear of this I'll be banned from becoming head alpha", he pleaded, the color on his face fading away.

"Good, cause your pack doesn't deserve this kind of leader", I spat, slipping his hand off my shirt before walking out of the bathroom.

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