Four little omegas

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Yoongi walked to his cabin while I walked to my family's house, the head alpha's abode. I slung my backpack to the side and sniffed the air, my stomach rumbling when the sweet scent of roasted beef invaded the air.

I walked over to my mother who was cooking dinner and gave her a peck on the cheek, "Hi mom".

"Welcome home Taehyung", she smiled, wiping her hands on her striped apron and gave me a hug afterwards, "How was school?"

I shrugged, "I think Yoongi enjoyed it more than I did. Kids these days do not know how to control themselves".

"I remember when your father tried teaching you how to control your wolf. He was surprised to see you immediately succeeded. Alphas usually have difficulties with controlling their wolf", she smiled at the memory, "That reminds me. Your father wanted to speak to you as soon as you got home. He got big news for you".

She winked at me and sent me off to the head alpha's office where my father resided. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer which came in the form of a hum. Opening the door I saw my father sitting behind his desk with paperwork scattered all over the office.

"Oh, hello son", a small smile appeared on his tired face.

"Mom said you wanted to talk with me", I said, still standing at the door.

"Take a seat. I have exciting news for you", he immediately searched inside the drawers for something while I took a seat in front of the desk.

"Do you know about the Sun Flower pack?", he asked as he took a file out of the drawer.

"Sort of", I responded, immediately feeling my stomach churn a bit.

"Well the head alpha and luna have two children. Their daughter is an omega and their son is a beta. Your mother and I thought that you might wanted to get to know Lisa a bit better", he said and slid the file my way where a picture of a pretty girl was displayed, "She's turning 19 this year and hasn't found her mate yet, like you. We thought you might be interested in each other so our packs could become better allies".

I glanced at the picture and then back at him, "But dad, what if I do find my mate?" An image of Jeon Jungkook flashed in my mind but I quickly disposed of it. He's a goddamn high school student and he despises alphas. We would never be a perfect match.

"Taehyung", he sighed, "You're twenty already. It's been two years since we've been in search of your mate and our last hope was finding her in the college you go to. Don't you think we should start preparing you for the future role of head alpha and find a good luna for you?"

I casted my gaze downwards and let out a small sigh, "I guess".

"Good", he nodded, "She and her family will be visiting us next week. I hope you two get along just fine".

Jungkook's P.O.V

Thank god school is finally over. After being assaulted twice today, by some human child and by an alpha, my limit has been reached. I luckily didn't get called to the principal's office today which meant that the older alpha guy didn't tell him I left his class. I hadn't expected that.

But at the same time I had expected that since the alpha guy wasn't like any other alpha I had ever met. He never tried to dominate me. He listened to my requests. He controlled his wolf when he saved me in the changing room. He even let me pin him against the lockers and blushed when I stared at him. I wasn't aware alphas could even blush. He asked me to let him go, instead of just pushing me away by force. It was almost like I was the one in control for once, the dominant force, the alpha.

Why was he even granted to be an alpha when he didn't look anything like it. He wasn't muscular or scary. He didn't look dominating or manly. The guy had almost feminine curves and a gentle face with soft looking red hair. Why wasn't he an omega? Why had I been cursed with that goddamn status and blue eyes when I was meant to be dominant!?

I dropped down on a small seat in the bus and gazed out of the window. September was coming which meant my birthday would be there soon. My parents were thrilled about it while I had been dreading it all my life. There would be a chance I would find my mate, some alpha or beta that could control me my whole life against my will.

The moment I realized I was an omega I swore to myself that I would reject my mate as soon as possible. I would be nobody's mate and I wouldn't care about the pathetic alpha that had been cursed to be mine. He'd could die for all I care.

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