thirty four little omegas

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Jungkook's P

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"What did she mean with that?", Anna-Marie asked with a tilt of her head. She was playing with the hem of her sweater almost subconsciously while she stared at my blank expression. I tried to keep myself calm, but that was kind of difficult given the situation I was in. I cleared my throat and glanced nervously around the room, trying to shake off the big brown eyes staring at me with such innocence.

"So um Lisa's plan for me right?", I started.


" Is uh- well you see- um.... Do you know why they brought you to me?", I asked nervously. She shook her head slowly while nibbling on her bottom lip.

"To become friends?", she guessed, "I was kinda happy they got me out of my cell since it was very dark and lonely in there. And here, I'm not lonely anymore. I got you!"

She giggled which made this even harder for me to say what I was about to say.

"Lisa wants to form a big pack with only omegas in it. And to get new omegas you need babies. And to get babies you need..."

She furrowed her eyebrows in thought, "A male and a female".

I nodded, "And they need to..."

Her mouth fell open and her cheeks immediately burnt a bright red. "I'm not going to say that word out loud!" Her gasp was so honest that I couldn't believe this girl was the one Lisa had chosen for me. She didn't even dare to say the word out loud. How would she ever be able to do it?

"Okay we're almost there", I mumbled and cleared my throat again, "So what are we?"

"Omegas", she replied, "Werewolves, human beings, products from mother nature-"

Her eyes widened and the red blush that colored her cheeks eventually faded and pale took over her skin.

"A boy and a girl", she croaked out, "A male and a female".

I nodded.

"You don't mean- What- With you!?", she gasped, immediately crawling backwards to gain space between our bodies, "I don't want that!"

"Well neither do I", I replied in frustration, "You're fifteen for god's sake! You're still a child".

"Why would she want that?", Anna-Marie asked, her voice breaking at the end, "You're not going to do what she told you to right?"

"She wants me, and the other two male omegas, to have sex with the female omegas for more pack members", I explained, "She threatened to kill you if I won't do anything in half an hour".

"B-But", the blonde blubbered, fat tears rolling down her cheek in a desperate attempt to release some stress, "I-I'm not even able to g-get children yet. I'm not f-fertile".

This sentence seemed to lighten up the situation immediately. "You mean-"

"I didn't have my first period yet".

"Thank God!", I jumped up and banged on the door. Lisa couldn't expect me to have sex with a minor who wasn't even able to bear children yet. So I wouldn't have to have sex with Anna-Marie. This was great!

The door didn't open immediately, but when it did a furious Lisa walked inside.

"Nothing has happened yet", she huffed, "You really want this girl dead Jungkook?"

"No", I replied and got up from the ground, "But Anna-Marie told me she isn't able to get pregnant yet which means there's no use in having sex with her".

I smirked and got closer to the black haired girl. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously when I leant closer to her ear.

"And you wouldn't want me to waste my seed do you?", I whispered so Lisa was the only one who could hear it. She huffed and pushed me away.

"Fine", she spoke and averted her gaze to the blonde girl who was cowering in the corner, "You're time will come but I guess you aren't ready yet".

After that Anna-Marie was taken out of my cell, only for a woman to be pushed inside again. She stumbled inside and looked at me with wide eyes. I internally screamed. Was this some joke? First Lisa gives me a minor, and now she gives me a women double my age.

"I'm Helena", the woman smiled. She had short black hair that reached just above her shoulders and dark brown eyes. Her smile reminded me of my mother when I came back from a long day of school.

"J-Jungkook", I replied and she instantly coed, going over to pinch my cheek.

"You're so cute. I have a son almost your age. You really remind me of him", she grinned.

"How old are you exactly?", I dared to ask which earned me a slap on my chest.

"It's really rude to ask a lady that you know", she gasped, "But I have reached the fine age of 37 this year".

"Does that mean you're still fertile?", I shrieked out and her expression told me she was weirded out by me.

"I have never been asked that question before", she said, "Well... actually no that's a lie. The guard who brought me here asked me the exact same thing. What's that all about?"

I took in a deep breath. "Lisa wants me to have sex with you so you get pregnant of an omega child so her pack will grow with only omegas and since I'm one of the only three male omegas there are she wants us three to fuck every single female omega until everyone is pregnant with omega children and I don't want that but I'm forced to but oh god you could basically be my mom and the last omega I got was only fifteen thank god she wasn't able to get children yet but I really don't want to do it with you because hell I remind you of your own son how fucked up is that wouldn't you be weirded out if we had sex and like I have a mate who's on the verge of death and I really want to keep my virginity for him and not go through multiple traumatic experiences just because some dumb female omega wants me to be the father of a whole pack".

I breathed again and clutched my heart that pounded because of the enormous rant I just did.

Helena looked at me and basically fainted.

I really enjoyed writing that rant
Basically the whole chapter.

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