Fourteen little omegas

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Taehyung's P

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook's heart pounded against his ribcage and I could hear it loud and clear. He was panicking, but it would be a lie to say I wasn't in the right state of mind too. My paw was losing blood furiously and the pain surged through my body. As an alpha I would usually recover quickly but something stopped my wolf from healing itself. My paw burned, and it wasn't just from the wound.

I howled in pain and nuzzled my head against Jungkook's bare chest. He had been running in the right direction and was almost at my pack ground. His breathing was ragged and I could tell he was getting tired from running at this speed with my weight in his arms. Though I slipped in and out of my fuzzy black vision, I always found myself staring up at him. The way his dark hair blew in the wind and how his cheekbones stood out from this angle, I couldn't get my eyes off him. It somewhat relieved the pain, just staring at him and losing myself in my thoughts. His touch was already making my insides feel and warm and mushy, but it didn't quite help me heal, it only made the pain dull a bit.

Jungkook seemed to hesitate at the border of my pack's ground but dashed into it anyway, quickly running to the biggest building on the pack ground. I knew my dad would be out since he had a business meeting later today, but my mom would be somewhere around. I wondered how she would respond to this.

It didn't really matter how she would react because the pain was slowly but surely getting unbearable. The burning feeling spread through my leg and barely reached my torso. I felt my eyes sting and howled in pain once more, feeling Jungkook's heart hammer even harder.

We were inside of my house and I felt Jungkook panicking now he was inside, not knowing what to do. Luckily, my mom had caught the howl and barged into the room, her gasp being silenced by the ringing in my ears.

"What happened!?", she yelled, running over to us to take a quick glance at me. Jungkook looked down upon me and I noticed how his face was contorted into a painful expression.

"H-His paw got stuck in a bear trap", he tried explaining, pants leaving his lips every now and then, "He's been losing a lot of blood but- I think something else is hurting him. He should be healing by now".

"You feel it too right?", she asked him, glancing at him before examining my paw again, "As his mate you feel his pain too, even though it's only a small amount of what he's actually going through".

He threw me a glance and I could see how he quickly blinked away tears. I was hurting him. It was my own fault for running into the beartrap, and now he was facing the consequences too.

"Oh god", she whispered, quickly retracting her hand from my paw, "W-We should get him to Namjoon as quick as possible".

She almost threw the door open and ran outside, Jungkook following with me still in his arms. I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness but I didn't want to leave these two. They would only panic even more if they saw me being passed out.

I nudged Jungkook's shoulder and licked the bare skin.

"It'll be alright", he smiled, though it was a strained one. We entered the pack doctor's house and I frowned at the amount of distress that was displayed on my mom's face. My ears started ringing again and black spot danced in my vision, eventually covering more than half of it.

"paw is purple-"

"Lots of blood-"

"Wolfsbane I think-"

"My fault-"

"Can you-"

"Do whatever I can-"

"Won't allow him to die-"

"Please save my mate".

Can you believe I reached 3k followers today!??? I can't! LIKE WOAH I still remember reaching 100 followers and my friends acting as if I was famous or sth and I just rolled my eyes at them but I was so happy to have reached 100 followers

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Can you believe I reached 3k followers today!??? I can't! LIKE WOAH I still remember reaching 100 followers and my friends acting as if I was famous or sth and I just rolled my eyes at them but I was so happy to have reached 100 followers. How can I have gained 2900 followers in a mere span of 10 months??? Thanks @ bts for being my characters in way too many fucking fanfictions. I still can't believe I've written so much.

Thank you for the follows, votes, comments, DMs and support I receive daily ʕʔ maybe you get an extra update bc of this ;)

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