Twenty nine little omegas

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Third person point of view

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Third person point of view

Jungkook whined into the pillow, feeling the covers tangle with his limbs. Scourging red pain filled his veins and made him cry out in anguish, not knowing where the sudden agony was coming from. He had woken up from some kind of nightmare which consisted of a faceless creature chasing after him, grabbing him in its claws and tearing him apart. Sweat had dripped off his forehead and made his hair end up matted against his forehead.

Dark brown orbs flitted across the room, looking for some kind of reason why he was put in this torture in the first place. It felt somewhat familiar, as if he had gone through the pain already, but now more afflicting. The young boy bit down on his bottom lip, almost drawing blood at the action. It was straining to think through the pain that was coursing through his body, but he managed the grab onto something which was flashing through his mind.

The clear image of the beartrap lying in the woods bounced around in his head, realizing he had felt the exact same pain when Taehyung had run into it. The sudden realization only made the pain worse. The physical pain was now combined with the mental grief, worrying what was happening to Taehyung for him to feel such anguish.

It was a school day though the raven haired male had no intention on leaving his spot on the bed. He feared moving would only made the deepening pins that seemed to cut through his skin, worsen. His wrists and ankles burned like a hellfire, giving his mind a picture of Taehyung being chained or tortured.

The omega screamed out in agony when a huge sting was felt on his back, as if someone had whipped him there, but of course no physical wound was seen on his perfectly healthy skin. His parents, worried with their son's lack of presence at the breakfast table, heard the scream resonate through the medium house, immediately jumping off their seats.

His father feared the worse when the door to his son's room stood wide open, but quickly calmed down when he saw the bodyguard he had hired for his son sit down on his knees, calming down the raging boy.

"What happened?", Jungkook's mother asked in despair, grasping her son's hand who quickly flinched away.

"He seems to be in a lot of pain but I don't see a cause", Hoseok spoke out grimly, standing up from his place on the red fluffy carpet, "I was waiting for him to come out of his room and formally introduce myself as his protector since he knows now he has one, but instead I kept hearing cries. I have no idea what's causing the pain".

"T-Taehyung", Jungkook mumbled out as he clutched his pained wrist which had no visible damage, "I-I feel his-"

"Pain", his mother finished his sentence and quickly took her husbands hand, "Honey, we have to inform the Tulip Pack about this".

"If the future head alpha has disappeared with all of his men, they will already be notified by now", the older man sighed, "But I'll inform Taehyung's father and let him at least know his son is still alive".

He kept the for now silent and walked out of the room, letting his wife deal with the trashing Jungkook who kept crying out for Taehyung.

The alpha wasn't in any better state than his omega, feeling blood trickle down his back where a huge gash formed proudly. Taehyung panted but didn't let out any cries of pain since he still believed acting strong would eventually pay off. Another whip was brought down upon his skin.

Jungkook couldn't act strong, knowing his mate was being hurt without him being able to do anything. Hoseok, the one who was hired to be his body guard, sighed deeply, feeling the need to do something. He balled his fists and stared down at the crying omega whose anguish could be seen through his every movement.

"I will save him Jungkook, for you", he smiled bitterly, "You deserve your happy ending".

Jungkook's eyes had started ringing a long time ago but he barely picked up on the words spilling from the beta's lips. He somewhat formed a coherent sentence to thank Hoseok who had already started making his way out of the room.

"You'll regret doing this", Taehyung growled at the chuckling person who stood in the corner, watching his torture with playful eyes, "They will find me!"

"I hope so", the person giggles, "Or otherwise this would all be for nothing".

Another slash echoed in the room and Taehyung once again gritted his teeth to stop the cries from tumbling out of his mouth.

Hoseok glanced at his men, their faces all fallen at the loss of their daughters, wives, friends, relatives and lovers. The omegas had been taken away just a day ago and Hoseok was marching with the warrior wolves to an unknown destination. Min Yoongi from the Tulip pack, a survivor from the hunter's attack, had informed them where to go, he himself not daring to set another foot into that forest again.

While the beta guided his men to the place where they would be able to pick up Taehyung's scent, Jungkook was left alone in his room. The pain had dulled, no whips had been felt on his skin for the past hours.

His almost onyx eyes drooped slightly, his body completely worn out from the battle against the pain his wolf was bringing to him by being connected with the alpha's wolf. He fell back against the sweat soaked mattress with a expression laced with discomfort. Cool wind blew against his features and ruffled his lifeless brown hair. He sighed in content at the relaxing sensation, before quickly coming to the realization no one had come to open his window in the last hours.

His eyes sprung open and bounced off the walls, seeking for something suspicious, and ultimately finding it in the person sitting besides his bed with a cloth in his closed fist.

"I'm sorry Jungkook", the boy smiled sympathetically, "But she's my mate".

Before he could yell any words of help or struggle against the grip, the cloth was pressed against his nose and he felt his eyes droop, ready to bring him into a deep sleep.

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