Thirty little omegas

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Jungkook's P

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Jungkook's P.O.V


"Hello Jungkook", she smiled softly, though I could now finally see through the mask she had created for the outer world to see. She wasn't a gentle and obedient omega like she had made out to be. No, she was vicious as her hands were smeared with blood that filled my senses and made my wolf howl out in anguish. The whole room smelt like Taehyung, though there was nothing but me and Lisa in it. Blood splatters dotted the walls and smeared the filthy tiles. The whole room screamed out Taehyung and I could only guess how much pain my alpha had suffered through in this godforsaken cellar.

"What did you do to him?", I growled, wanting to lunge at her but the rope around my arms and ankles prevented me from doing so. I was weak enough, apparently, to use rope on, instead of the silver handcuffs my mate got.

"I think you felt exactly what we did to your precious mate", she smiled with a toothy grin, wiping the blood on her hands on her already stained jeans, "Tell me, how much do you care for him?"

I growled back, not wanting to actually tell her since nothing good would come out of that.

"Enough to sacrifice yourself?", she asked with a tilt of her head, "Enough to listen to him for the rest of your life without having a will on your own?"

She walked closer and reached out her hand before caressing my cheek. I flinched away from the touch, feeling my skin being tainted with my mate's blood that intoxicated my senses.

"I don't think you realize just how much we're alike Jungkook", she hummed, examining my face with curious eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and sneered at her.

"We're nothing alike", I spat back at her with enough venom to surprise even myself with.

"Oh we are", she responded with lightness in her voice, "We're both omegas who don't fit in society the way the hierarchy wants us to fit in".

I decided not to reply and just watch her move around with a wary glare.

"Think about it", she started, pacing around the empty room, "Alphas made this hierarchy because their wolves are stronger than us, but don't actually care about the human that lives along it. They put us together with people we don't want to be with, just to get the population going. At least humanity has this thing called feminism. But where are the rights for the omegas!?"

I licked my suddenly dry lips and frowned. I had never expected her to be like this, so angry and aggressive on the inside, while she looked like a totally harmless girl on the outside. I guess that's what being an omega made us look like. It gave you a softer and weaker aura than you actually were as a human.

"What's your plan here Lisa? Kill every alpha out there?", I snapped back.

She grimaced, "Of course not. You and I both know how strong they actually are. Even with all of the Silvermoon clan members, there wouldn't be enough men to kill all of them".

An almost gentle smile settled on her lips before she neared me with slow steps, "No. My plan is to make them realize what worth we actually have. Without us, there wouldn't be any more wolves around. Sure, betas and alphas can have kids, but they're not as fertile or caring as an omega. Without any of us here, they are lost and the population will decrease until it ultimately dies out".

My pupils widened and I felt my heartbeat increase.

"What will you do with the omegas?", I asked, taken aback by her plan. I hadn't expected it to take this kind of turn. But in all honesty, I hadn't expected any of this at all. "And why is the Silvermoon clan working together with you? I thought they hunted all werewolves".

"They hate betas and alphas as much as we do. I promised them a way into the pack grounds & tell them the weaknesses of werewolves, while they bring me the omegas. I won't hurt any of the omegas of course", she smiled, tracing her nail on my blood stained cheek. I cringed at the feeling and glared at her while her own eyes shone with amusement. "I'll cherish everyone of them. They'll be the new generation of wolves, a great honor that will be bestowed upon them. And you, my dear Jungkookie, will gift them life".

I choked on air and gasped for new oxygen as reality downed upon me.

"What!?", I yelled out in shock, "You're not saying what I think you're saying, right?"

She giggled, "Don't worry, you won't be the only one. As I see it, you are one of the only three male omegas that are out there. The two others aren't in my grasp just yet but will soon be".

There are other male omegas? She seemed to notice my confused expression and merely smiled sweetly.

"They don't belong to a pack since they've been born as bastard children. They were adopted by humans and brought somewhere to the outskirts of town. It's only a matter of days before my members will locate them and bring them to me".

"You're crazy", I breathed out, "You've absolutely gone mad".

Her eyes darkened slightly as my words hung in the cold air.

"I'm only a rebel against the system, one that has had enough of seeing my kind being bossed around".

"You're worse than that. You're implying I will be the one impregnating all of the omega women, being a father of god's knows how many children! That's rape! On both sides even!", I yelled out in despair, "You're keeping us all here without us wanting any of this. Maybe we don't want to live under the alphas commands, but at least we realize that's for our own risk. We're weaker, smaller, much more submissive. Alphas can have it hard too! A hierarchy is needed to keep everything in place!"

"Tsk, since when did you become so weak, Jeon Jungkook? Where's that hard headed omega who fought off alphas and society on his own strength? The one who didn't need an alpha to come save him? You weren't a damsel in distress before you met Taehyung, you were like me, but hear yourself now! You're actually telling me a hierarchy is needed? Jeon Jungkook is telling me this! Can even believe yourself!? Because of your alpha, my brother got rejected to have a marriage. He had a chance on having a mate, after his true mate rejected him, and what does he get after treating you the way you wanted to!? He gets told Kim Taehyung is a better match than he is, just and only because he's an alpha!"

"That's not true", I growled, "I didn't want Hoseok because he's a beta, it was because I had fallen in love with Taehyung!"

"True mates are so pathetic", she clicked her tongue, her eyes rolling in annoyance, "This kid named Liam thinks I'm his true mate".

Liam. He was the one that had brought me here. I have no idea how no one had noticed him on our pack grounds.

"He isn't my true mate of course. I only made him believe that so he'd follow my commands. I threatened to reject him if he didn't do as I said. He even thinks I'll keep him alive when my plan has finally worked".

My breath hitched.

"Of course I'll just kill him", she hummed, shrugging her thin shoulders, "He's an alpha after all".

"You are evil", I whispered out, my blood boiling and wishing to release its anger on something, or someone.

"And isn't that nice?", she grinned, "Well, if you will excuse me, I have omegas to catch".

The metal door clicked shut and her footsteps disappeared into the dark hallway.

Even though it was cold and damp in the cellar, I still found it more comfortable in here, than in my room. My wolf felt it, as it stirred in anticipation. Taehyung was somewhere in his building, close to where I was and I found a little peace in it.

I relaxed my mind and linked him a message.

'Hey noodle'

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