Thirty seven little omegas

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Next chapter will be the last & then I'll try to fixate on Atama and Dark Waters :o)

Next chapter will be the last & then I'll try to fixate on Atama and Dark Waters :o)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I whined and stumbled into Taehyung who was keeping his balance by leaning against a wall. I fell into his chest and sighed when I felt my legs wobble.

"This is all your fault", I mumbled against the material of his dark blue sweater and felt his chest vibrate because of his deep laugh that resonated through the kitchen.

"I would love to carry you", he started and lovingly ruffled my hair, "But because of that second round you so necessarily wanted to have, I have the same problem as you here".

I scoffed and bumped my elbow against his arm, "It's only fair if we both topped".

"So you're telling me we'll always have a second round?"

I chuckled at his raised eyebrow and pecked his cheek before shuffling over to the fridge, "Or a fourth".


Rolling my eyes I got out all the ingredients I needed to bake pancakes. It was a quiet Sunday morning, one filled with lots of cuddles and slow make out sessions that led nowhere since we were both very aware of the pain in our body. I knew Taehyung would recover fairly quick which would leave me the only limping one. At least I could cling onto him that way.

"Because of you I've lost a lot of study time", Taehyung mumbled as he wrapped his tan arms around my waist. I chuckled and turned around in his hold so my back was pressed against the kitchen island.

"Didn't you have fun studying me last night?", I smirked which he quickly kissed away.

"You are so bold", he chuckled, his thumb running circles on my waist, "Where's that shy blushing boy in the panties?"

I scoffed and flicked his forehead, "Next time, you're wearing them".

Taehyung laughed at this and released my waist.

"I don't think that's going to happen".


"And and and and!?", Jimin asked with bright brown eyes as he desperately clutched onto my arm. I rolled my eyes and carried on walking, well, sort of walking that is.

"Guess", I stated as his eyes were fixated on my limping sort of walk.

"Oh my goooood", Jimin squealed, and hit my shoulder afterwards, "Told you it would work".

I laughed and hit his shoulder back, "Is that how you seduced both Yoongi and Hoseok?"

The smaller boy gasped and hit my shoulder again. I gave him a pointed look and he quickly pouted.

"Just because you're right, doesn't mean that it's true".

I frowned at him and returned the hit on the shoulder once again, "That didn't make any goddamn sense".

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