Twenty six little omegas

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Taehyung's P

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"You don't have to be so nervous Taehyung. I'm not going to beat you up for dating my son".

"Oh thank god", I breathed out in relief, hearing Jungkook's father chuckle. The man seemed in his forties. He had the same black tousled hair and dark eyes which shone with amusement.

"I wouldn't want to test my luck against a much younger and fit alpha", he smiled and I scoffed.

"I'm confident I would lose, but I would fight for Jungkook till the end", I smiled and my words didn't seem to surprise him at all. He only sent me a small smile before he motioned for us to take a walk around the garden. I stuffed my hands inside my pockets, feeling the cold wind cut through my clothes. The garden was lit up with many little lights which were situated in the multiple sakura trees that lost its blossoms.

"I can see you that you love my son and that mark on his shoulder is the evidence of his love for you", he spoke again as we neared the roses, "His everlasting hate for alphas made me think he would never find a good mate, so I went with Hoseok since he's a beta, a wolf breed Jungkook can at least tolerate".

I hummed, casting my gaze on the half moon that hung in the sky.

"But now he has found himself a fine alpha and I can only guess why he likes you so much".

He suddenly stopped walking and turned to me. His eyes flickered from my face to the mark that was hidden behind the layer of my coat but the scent it gave off reminded everyone of who had marked me. I knew he had noticed the bite on my neck already. It was only a matter of time before he'd mention it.

"Tell me, how did your father react?", he asked, his breath creating white figures from the cold.

I hadn't noticed my face contorting into sadness once I relived the moment my father saw the mark. I had never seen him that mad.

"Seeing your expression I'll take it he reacted badly", Jungkook's father answered for me, to which I nodded.

"It's an embarrassment for an alpha to be marked", I muttered, reciting my father's words, "He told me I was doomed to be submissive to others now".

He sighed, "I've known your father for a long time. We went to the same highschool and let me tell you, he was a softie back then. Even as an alpha he got bullied by people younger than him, even betas. I guess that made him into the strong and tough alpha he is now. He probably doesn't want you to go through something called 'being weak'. But letting Jungkook mark you isn't a weakness. It only shows that you don't care about what others think".

I smiled softly, "That's exactly what Jungkook told me".

"Like father like son", he chuckled, "I'll talk to your father soon. Besides, we'll have to arrange your wedding and the blending of two packs".

The word wedding really surprised me. This meant Jungkook's father accepted me as the future head of his pack, a great honor he now trusted to me.

"Thank you", I breathed out, my eyes crinkling when I smiled brightly.

"I can tell you'll be a great head alpha", he smiled, clapping me on the back, "Let's go back inside now".

He accepted me. Fuck yes!

Don't curse through my head you doof

Jungkook arched an eyebrow once we walked through the door. I toed off my shoes and hung my coat away, immediately going over to Jungkook who was already stuffing his mouth full of chocolate mousse.

I grabbed his chin and connected our lips together, cheekily swiping my tongue against the side of his mouth.

"You had some chocolate there", I smiled, licking my lips once we pulled back. His cheeks heated up and he quickly glared at me before shoving a spoon of chocolate mousse into my mouth.

"Don't do that you noodle", he mumbled, sulking silently afterwards which made me laugh. I realized his parents were laughing to each other, seeing our little scene.

I only hope my dad will be okay with everything.

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