Twenty four little omegas

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CutecutecutecUTE Σ(❛✿)

Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook had decided to take me out on a date before I would meet his parents. I told my mother the truth about where I was going, but told my father I had an extra class in college. I didn't want him getting angry with me again, my cheek had only stopped hurting a few days ago.

I wore a leather jacket, since it started getting colder outside and slipped on my shoes. I was wearing a light grey hoodie and black ripped jeans, matching with my black All stars. I took my mother's jeep, since she gave me the keys, and drove out of the pack grounds, ready to pick Jungkook up who was waiting for me on the road which connected our two packs together.

He waved at me once the car got in sight and he quickly got in, rubbing his hands together since it was getting colder these days. I smiled at him and slipped my right hand in his while I steered the wheel with my other. His hand was freezing but it quickly warmed up in my hold and he shyly glanced at our intertwined fingers, leaning against his thigh. He snuggled deeper into the dark red scarf he was wearing, searching for some extra warmth. Since he was an omega he got cold more often than me.

I turned up the heat even more while we drove to our destination, which was a warm place, called the mall.

"I swear to god we're such a cliché couple", he chuckled, staring out of the window, "Going to the mall for our first date..."

"I need better clothes than this to impress your parents", I huffed, glancing down at my old ripped jeans.

"You made a very interesting first impression on my mom already", he teased, laughing afterwards, "But yeah, I guess my dad is expecting a lot of you. He even called you 'a better catch than Hoseok'. He seems to think very highly of you".

This made my hands start to sweat and I hoped he didn't notice.

"So you just have to act as if you're the top in the relationship for once", he commented which made my mouth fall open.

"I am the top!", I exclaimed which only made him laugh more.

"Yeah right, those blushing cheeks whenever I pinned you against walls state differently honey", he spoke with a belittling tone.

"Don't act as if you never blush whenever I do something", I scoffed which made him scoff in reply.

"That's just your wolf acting, the human Taehyung is as submissive as a prey in the hands of its predator, that being me!", he chuckled, almost evilly.

"We'll see about that", I huffed and turned on the radio after that.


"Taehyung... You know that statement about you being the top?"


"Stop fucking staring at panties if you still want me to take you seriously", he slapped my shoulder and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Who said I wasn't imagining you in them?"

This made his eyes widen the slightest and a soft blush appear on his lips.

"Shut the fuck up you noodle", he muttered before quickening his pace which made me need to catch up with him.

Jungkook helped me pick out an outfit and bought me another plushie while he was at it. I stared confused at the baby blue bunny plushie in my hands, wondering why he bought it for me. He didn't do anything wrong right?

"It's a reminder", he mumbled out once I asked him this question when we were walking back to the car, "People often tell me I look like a bunny and since I'm your bunny now... Argh I'm not good at this cheesy couple stuff, but I felt like I needed to give you something. You know, as a thank you for accepting me, waiting for me, even after I pushed you away multiple times. And also as an apology since you're dad is now mad at you because of me".

"I would always wait for you Kook", I smiled, intertwining our hands again, "And you didn't do anything wrong. My father is just being a prick at the moment, that's all".

I had to let go off his hand to look for my keys, which turned out to be more of a struggle than I had first thought. I couldn't find them anywhere and the best thing of it all: it had started pouring. The rain soaked us immediately and while Jungkook was whining about everything he bought getting wet, I started panicking.

I gave up my search while Jungkook tried shielding his stuff from the rain. I stepped over to him and came to a halt in front of him.

"Jungkook", I stated but he kept mumbling about 'everything being soaking wet' and 'you're terrible for losing the keys' until I grabbed his chin. The rain poured down with an incredible force, but it only made the pretty boy in front of me look even cuter. His hair was matted against his forehead and drops trickled down his cheeks.

I grabbed my chance and closed the distance between us, finally being able to taste his lips on mine. I felt him tense for a moment until I heard his shopping bags crash down on the concrete before arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer.

The weather was cold, and the rain didn't make it any better, but the body against mine was hot enough to warm me up completely.

I pulled back once I felt the omega shiver in my hold and smiled at him. Jungkook's eyes widened before they narrowed dangerously. Without me noticing his hands had slid from my waist to my ass and he was patting the back pocket.

"The car keys are in your fucking back pocket you noodle".

I chuckled, "Woops".

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