Thirty six little omegas

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I hope everyone is able to finally see this chapter or else I'm gonna rage at Wattpad HQ

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I hope everyone is able to finally see this chapter or else I'm gonna rage at Wattpad HQ

Third's Person Point Of View

It was a week after everything had happened, and honestly, Jungkook thought that nothing could wrong anymore. After Lisa had been caught and the Silver Moon clan was gone it would only be normal for everything to go back to how it was. Except that was not how it went. Everything had seemed to have changed.

Taehyung's father finally accepted Taehyung's choice to get marked by an omega. He had seen how Jungkook gave his son strength and how his son was still a strong alpha, even though he was claimed by a weaker species.

People respected their omegas more since they've felt how it was without them. Jungkook knew that respect wouldn't last long and would disappear once the fight was forgotten. But for now, it felt nice to be noticed.

Taehyung and Jungkook got a house of their own where they could live together as real mates should. The house was built between the Tulip and the Dandelion pack and an official road now connected both packs since they would be merged as soon as Taehyung became the real pack alpha and Jungkook his luna.

Jungkook was soon going to graduate high school and was still indecisive on what he wanted to do in college. Taehyung, on the other hand, was stressing out about finals. Because of the whole drama that happened he wasn't able to attend classes or study at all. He had a lot of work to catch up on and honestly, he thought about just taking the year again.

It was a Friday night and Jungkook was already trying to sleep since he had had a rough day of school. Taehyung was behind his desk in the office room downstairs, trying to memorize as much as he could. He was practically falling asleep on his book and a little puddle of drool had already formed on his textbook which made a definition unreadable.

Jungkook's eyes fluttered open at around two am. He groaned and turned around, trying to find some sort of warmth in the other beside him, only to find out there was no alpha next to him. He frowned but it was interrupted by a small yawn. He really wanted to continue sleeping but he didn't want to fall asleep while knowing his mate was still studying his ass off. The omega sighed and slipped out of bed, quickly slipping on some wooly socks before tip toeing downstairs. A single light in the office burnt and Jungkook quickly made his way over there.


Taehyung looked up from his notes and froze. His concentrated face immediately softened as he noticed his mate's drooping eyes and sleeping attire. Jungkook was wearing one of this old hoodies and some black shorts. The younger male wiped his eyes tiredly as he shuffled over to Taehyung before plopping down onto the older's lap.

"Come to bed", the raven haired boy mumbled before sloppily placing a kiss on Taehyung's lips who was admiring his mate's sleep drunken state, "It's cold without you there".

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