Nine little omegas

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Taehyung's P.O.V

My heart hadn't stopped racing ever since that one encounter with Jungkook. His scent, his proximity, the sparkle in his shining blue eyes. Basically everything about him sent me reeling. I took in a shaky breath and bumped the back of my head against the bedroom wall behind me. The sheets were draped over me as I tried finding one ounce of motivation to get out of bed. It was noon already but I didn't feel like starting the day after yesterday's events.

I stared out of the window that displayed the pack's forest, the trees waving in the air. I huffed and shuffled back further into the covers, snuggling my head against the fluffy pillow. I couldn't care less about the literature class I was currently missing at college. I had read the book they were going to discuss anyway, I didn't need to hear the teacher's boring babbling about character development and stuff.

Deciding a nap wouldn't really hurt, telling myself I deserved it after going through a very intense and nerve wrecking day yesterday, I fluttered my eyes closed. I bathed in the warmth that the covers still held from my previous sleep and felt my heart relaxing a bit.

The next moment I opened my eyes it was already dark outside. The bright moon shone through the trees and some tapping noise caught my attention instead. A pair of blue eyes stared at me from the glass, the figure accompanied by a smirk and messy black hair. I shrieked and hid under the covers, hearing a knock echoing through the room from the window.

Peeking from underneath the covers Jungkook gazed at me, leaning against the windowsill as to tell me he was waiting for me to open the window. I bit down onto my bottom lip, contemplating on what I should do, until I found some bravery in myself that had been hiding somewhere.

I'm an alpha. Puh. He's just an omega. Why am I scared? What's the worst he can do?

I slipped out of bed and padded to the window, sliding it open with easy. My muscles tensed at the close proximity of a Jeon Jungkook, leaning inside, but relaxed at the familiar scent filling the air. He send me a lopsided grin before placing his hands on the frame of the window and swiftly jumping inside.

He landed with a thud and dusted off his clothes. I nibbled on my bottom lip, feeling very uncomfortable with him just standing there in my room at night while I had bed hair and pajamas on.

"What are you doing here?", I whispered, glancing anxiously at the door. My parents slept only a room away and I feared they could hear us. Them also having wolf hearing and stuff.

"Can't I visit my mate for no reason?", he smiled lazily, dropping down onto my bed before stretching his limbs and hearing them pop.

"No", I scoffed, "We are barely acquaintances. You're just some high school kid and I'm just some college student".

"So you want me to reject you?", he asked, lifting an eyebrow. My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head, feeling fear grow inside me.

"Of course not!", I whispered, "I'm just telling you it's weird to see you here at night".

"I just wanted to see you", he mumbled, glancing outside at the sky, "I was forced to eat dinner at Hoseok's pack and realized just how shitty the situation is".

"What do you mean?", I asked, sitting down beside him, though keeping my distance. His scent was very alluring and I feared I couldn't control myself at one point. Even though my human form could handle my desires, my alpha was much harder to control.

"I didn't even want a mate to begin with. But now I'm stuck with two. The guy I chose, and the guy the moon goddess chose for me", he huffed, leaning back on his hands, "My parents gave me the chance to decide, since I'm lucky to have found my mate. But I know they want me to choose Hoseok because we know their pack and they could be a good addition to ours. But then there's you, with your stupid alluring scent and blushing red cheeks".

I kept my gaze on the floor since I felt his burning holes on the side of my head.

"I had to sneak out to see you, since omegas aren't allowed outside at night. I can't visit you at day because that would raise suspicion since we're not even that close and we shouldn't even know each other".

I sighed and glanced at him, biting back a smile at the way the moonlight shone on him, making him almost look magical. Why did he have to be such an abnormal omega, making me suffer by acting so scary?

"You know I don't want to reject you", I spoke with a dry throat, feeling extremely nervous, "But what about you? You said you didn't want to reject or accept me? What does that mean?"

He rubbed his head and caught my stare, his blue eyes burning into mine.

"I don't want to just reject you without having given you a chance. But accepting you now seems too quick. If we want to make this work, I think we just have to get to know each other a bit better".

"Without our parents knowing?"

He nodded.

I gulped. So if he decides I'm not a perfect match to him, he still has another choice which comes in the form of Hoseok. And I will have another option too.

"Okay", I nodded at him, "I guess that's how it's going to be then. Sneaking around".

He slid his hand inside of his jeans pocket and threw me his phone.

"Put your number in it so I can reach you".

With trembling fingers I typed in the digits, feeling relief wash over me.

I still have a chance with my true mate.

I'll just have to make Jungkook see how having an alpha by your side isn't that bad after all.

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