Seven little omegas

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To confess to your crush or not to confess. That's the question.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I swallowed my spit with great difficulty, feeling the air shift around me. Time had suddenly slowed down to a deathly pace which made every step feel like it weighed me down more and more. The hallway seemed longer than normal and I realized today wasn't a normal day. Today was the 1st of September. Today was Jeon Jungkook's birthday. Today, Jungkook had turned eighteen in the morning.

His parents were going to throw a party this evening and announce the head alpha he chosen to be with. I was dreading that moment.

My limbs felt numb as I strolled down the hallway filled with chattering students. Maybe I wouldn't see Jungkook today. He would most probably skip class again and I would leave after that, meaning I wouldn't have to see him and face rejection immediately.

It's going to come eventually.

Shut up brain.

He's going to be mated with your luna's brother. He will meet you and notice your scent.

I know but I won't have to deal with that for today at least.

Yoongi made a beeline to the secretary's office, mumbling something about 'having an important talk'. I scoffed and knew he was going to flirt with that secretary again. Turning a corner, my eyes widened at the sight & scent of Jungkook turning the other corner of the hallway. I quickly scurried away and ran into the gym, slamming the door shut behind me and feeling my heart race dangerously.

"I can avoid him for one day. It's not impossible", I told myself, leaning my head against the double doors as I felt my heart beat slow down.

The school bell rang and kids quickly filled the gym. The pups were still having difficulties with complete control so we weren't done with teaching yet. Yoongi came in shortly after, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Did you tap the booty?", I winked and he waved a piece of paper around.

"That's a bit too fast dude", he grinned, "A phone number will do".

He stuffed the piece of paper into his pocket and we started class.


I sighed in relief when the next bell rang. I was sweating a lot from trying to stop a fight between two freshmen. They were rather powerful so it wasn't easy to calm them down. Since they were both alphas, they wouldn't listen to my alpha voice which made the task a lot more difficult.

The next group of kids walked inside. I stretched my sore muscles a bit while Yoongi talked to the kids about what we were going to do today. My body froze as my nose picked up a familiar scent. With fearful eyes I saw a mop of raven black hair saunter in. Blue eyes curiously flitting across the room before they landed on me. I felt the blood run from my face, eventually making me pale immensely. I took a few steps back when I saw his eyes widen and his mouth fell open a bit. His jaw line then hardened as he closed his mouth again and his whole attitude changed.

"Y-Yoongi", I almost shrieked, hitting the said male on the arm.

"What?", he asked confused, seeing my pale complexion.

"I-I need to go out for a bit. I'm not feeling too good", I lied, ignoring the harsh stare burning holes into my body.

"Sure dude. Go home if you're feeling too unwell", Yoongi nodded, clapping me on the back. I meekly nodded and shuffled out of the room, feeling overwhelmed with the attention I was getting from that one stare. A door on the other side of the gym led to the outside field which was used in spring and autumn. Once I stepped outside I took a deep breath, taking a few moments for my heart to calm down.

I grasped my shirt at the place where my heart laid and bumped my head against the brick wall next to the door. I was pathetic for running away. Me, an alpha, was fearing from rejection and stupidly running away from it.

The door next to me creaked open and fell shut again. I didn't even need to peek through my closed eyes to know who it was. My heart leaped at the familiar scent that clouded my mind and my body relaxed the slightest.

"So...", his voice started and I could imagine the scowl on his face, "It's you".

With great courage I opened my eyes and gulped when he stood in front of me, arms crossed and muscles flexing. Really. How was this kid an omega?

I averted my gaze quickly from his dark stare, feeling my cheeks flush and my eyes sting at both the proximity & thought of where this talk was going to lead. To my heart break probably.

"You knew of course", he began again and I slowly nodded, still feeling too panicky to look him into the eye, "So that's what you meant last week. You wanted to know if I was going to reject you".

I nodded meekly again. My heart startled accelerating the moment he stepped closer. My head turned to the side as I was pushed against the wall, two arms blocking my path once again. With embarrassment I felt my cheeks flush red again, this time even worse since he knew I was his mate.

"You are an alpha", he stated, his gaze travelling down my face, "Why aren't you acting like one?"

"Wh-why aren't you acting like an omega?", I retorted, glancing shortly into his blue eyes before flitting them back down again.

He hummed and released me, stepping away from the wall again. I tried composing myself after this embarrassing moment and heard the door shut again, noticing an empty space where Jungkook once stood.

H-He didn't reject me?

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