Three little omegas

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I decided on going back to the gym now Jungkook was out of danger. I noticed that the other kids and Yoongi were back already and they were playing basketball. Yoongi noticed me walking in and jogged over to me.

"Where did you suddenly run off to? I found these kids sitting in a circle and you were nowhere in sight", he crossed his arms once he halted in front of me.

"Some omega was being harassed by an alpha who couldn't control himself", I shrugged casually, like my wolf wasn't howling Jeon Jungkook's name on repeat.

"Oh", he dropped his arms, "Well I taught them the basics for now. Maybe next week we can have them placed in tensed situations to see how their wolf reacts to it".

I raised my eyebrows at him, surprised he was already planning next week.

"You seem so excited", I pointed out, "Had fun?"

He shrugged, glancing back at a guy who had scored a point just then.

"They're nice kids".

I hummed. Seeing Yoongi smile because of some group of random pups was a rare sight indeed, but not a horrible one. My hyung could be quite sweet if he was in the mood to act like it. His most used mood was the grumpy one unfortunately.

"I guess it's time to leave then", I sighed, pushing away the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My wolf was being an annoying little fucker, howling and growling at me to look for our mate again. It would take a week to see him again and the alpha in me wasn't very happy with that.

"Yeah no", Yoongi shook his head, handing me a folded piece of paper, "That hot secretary came in here a couple of minutes before you. He handed me this document with the names of older students that also wanted to take this class".

"Older students?"

"Seems like they want to be taught some werewolf basics too", Yoongi shrugged, "I'll tell the first years that they can go now".

When he walked away I unfolded the paper and scanned the names printed on the document. I groaned when I saw the name Liam between the twenty other names. He was probably the same alpha that harassed Jungkook earlier. Speaking of which, Jeon Jungkook was also between the names.

"Why?", I whispered to myself. An omega that needs controlling himself? They don't even have an aggressive nature.

My wolf didn't care about that though and if I had a tail it would be wagging by now. I, well my wolf, really needed to stop obsessing over a student.

The bell rang meaning classes ended. The first years were already out of the gym and now we only had to wait for the older years. I grabbed my bottle of water and turned to Yoongi who was busy texting someone.

"Ready for some older pups?", I asked him and he sighed.

"Am I ever ready to deal with emotional & hormonal teenagers who want to pounce on everything and anything?"

I chuckled, "Well they're here so you better be ready".

The first group of guys walked inside and I internally growled at the tallest of them all. It was that damned alpha.

"The blonde guy in the middle is the alpha that harassed the omega earlier", I mumbled to Yoongi when the guys stopped somewhere to talk. Students came pouring in and I spotted the lonely omega that went by the name of Jeon Jungkook trailing in last.

"And that's the omega", I told Yoongi, my eyes still glued to the black haired boy.

"I could tell by the blue eyes already", he replied, "But I don't catch a scent".

"Could he be using some kind of product to reduce the scent? Because when I passed him in the hallway at morning I didn't smell his flowery scent. But when he showered the changing room was fogged with his scent".

Yoongi eyed the boy, "No wonder the alpha couldn't control himself then".

"It's not his fault", I crossed my arms, feeling very defensive all of a sudden.

"I wasn't saying it was", Yoongi looked at me strangely. I internally cursed at myself for acting so defensive about Jungkook just because my wolf was on edge.

"Uh- can you talk to the alphas and betas? Teach them the basics like you did with the others? I'll talk to the omega and ask him why he's here", I offered and saw Yoongi frown at me. He didn't say anything though and called the pups over while I strolled over to Jungkook who was sulking in the corner, scrolling through his phone.

"Jeon Jungkook?", I called out once I was in front of him. He glanced up from his phone with a blank expression.

"You again", he sighed, sliding his phone back in his pocket, "So you're a teacher?"

"Not really. I'm a college student and the school called me and my friend to help werewolf students here control themselves", I explained, crossing my arms, "Speaking of which, why are you here? Omegas never have control issues".

He scoffed, "Number one: blame my parents for sending me to this class. Number two: don't talk about omegas like you know everything about them".

I gulped, seeing his fierce gaze directed at me and nodded. This seemed to surprise him but he kept quiet for some reason, again scanning me with his blue eyes.

"So why are you here exactly?", I asked, curiously.

"Because I'm apparently not very omega like and should be disciplined on how to act like one", he said in a voice like he was a parent talking to his kid. He was probably acting like how his father had talked to him.

I walked over to the bench on the side of the gym and motioned for him to follow me. He did, and we sat down next to each other.

"I'm an alpha so I don't know a lot about how to act like an omega. But what are your parents' expectations?", I asked.

He leant on his hand and watched the alphas and betas listen to Yoongi.

"Be nice to everyone, listen to your superiors aka alphas and betas, be a perfect mate, don't act up, don't pick fights, be submissive and know your place blablabla... All that stuff that doesn't make sense to me", he sighed, "I'm not willing to be a submissive omega to every beta and alpha when all they do to me is harass me all the time. How can I respect people if they don't respect me?"

I bit down on my bottom lip. He was right though. Omegas were told to respect the stronger ones but they were also always looked down upon by those alphas and betas.

"So you don't have any problems with controlling your wolf?", I asked.

"No, rather controlling myself", he mumbled, "My pack is bothered by my human side".

I frowned at him, "And why's that? Because you're rebelling?"

"Because my dominant human doesn't want to listen to its submissive wolf and my pack doesn't understand".

I nodded and suddenly thought of someone, "My pack has a female omega who's one of my best friends and she looks after the young pups. If you want, you can meet her?"

"And what? Be taught how to be submissive?", Jungkook scoffed, "I didn't actually come here for that".

He stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

I glanced up at him, gulping as I admired the sharp jawline this kid had. He was watching the other teens who were circled around Yoongi.

I cleared my throat and he looked down upon me, "Then what are you here for?"

"So you could tell the principal I at least showed up. Bye old dude", Jungkook said casually, walking away before I could say anything else.

Old. Dude?

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