Ten little omegas

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Writing this took a lot of effort for some reason.

Taehyung's P.O.V

My body tensed as the fork I was holding slipped out of my fingers. It clanked against the fancy plate that was placed in front me and I clenched my teeth as it caught unwanted attention. Kicking my heel against the front of the raven haired male's leg, I glared shortly at Jungkook who suddenly clutched his leg and answered my glare. I smiled back at Lisa who weirdly glanced between me and Jungkook. I shrugged my shoulders at her and glanced at the omega who was awkwardly chuckling his pain away.

"Sorry, got a sudden cramp", Jungkook lied, making a worried looking Hoseok smile again.

We were sitting around a giant table with our parents, celebrating Lisa and Hoseok's father's birthday. Since we were supposed to be his sons in law he invited us and our parents to have dinner with his family. Even though I loved the idea of stuffing my tummy full of delicious food, I also hated the fact Jungkook and I couldn't really talk to each other. I was busy talking and flirting with Lisa while Jungkook had Hoseok as company.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my fork again, stuffing a piece of chicken into my mouth. If that dumb omega hadn't slid his hand up my thigh, he wouldn't have gotten that kick in the chin.

It was his own fault for being so risky.

Dinner ended fairly quickly after that and my parents decided we would be going home early. I said my goodbye's to Lisa and the rest of the table but got stopped in my tracks as I felt a small hand close around my wrist. Lisa smiled at me, a bit hesitant, as she motioned for us to step outside for a bit.

I nodded, though I felt a bit weird about her request. Sending Jungkook a quick glance I followed her outside, seeing my parents and hers coo at us.

"Is there something wrong?", I asked when I had closed the door behind me. She shook her head which made her black locks wave in her face. Her gaze wouldn't meet mine and I wondered if she was suspecting something. Had she seen Jungkook's bold move? Did she know!?

"Do you really want us to get married Taehyung?", she asked in a small voice.

My bottom lip immediately faced harassment as my teeth sunk into it.

"I uh- I still have to get to know you better but-"

"Please don't lie to me Taehyung", she sighed, her blue eyes glancing up at me with sincerity, "I know Jungkook has been holding off on making it official that Hoseok will be his future mate. Gossip in school travels that he has found his mate".

I felt my skin pale at her words. She did know then?

"I don't want my brother to be led on. So I'm going to ask you something and you need to answer with complete honesty. You promise?"

I nodded, my eyebrows furrowing in anxiety.

"Have you found your true mate yet Taehyung?"

The air shifted and I could feel my heart accelerating. Something she probably heard as well. My body language had already betrayed me.

I nodded again.

She sighed and crossed her arms, rubbing the skin to get herself warm, "Why do your parents want to set you up with me then?"

"Because I haven't told them yet", I replied bluntly, "And because I have only met my mate recently. I don't know if I'll get rejected or not".

"So I'm your plan B?", she asked, her voice a bit sharper now.

I casted my gaze downwards and stuffed my hands into my pockets.

"Sort of", I mumbled, "I'm sorry".

"I guess I had seen it coming", she sighed, "You didn't seem very interested in me to begin with. Are you even straight?"

This question caught me off guard and I had to keep myself from stumbling backwards.

"I- uh appreciate every gender", I replied awkwardly, my voice going quieter at the end.

She pulled her lips into a sympathetic smile, "Sorry, that was bit too personal. I shouldn't have asked that".

I shrugged and felt myself being pulled into a sudden hug. With hesitant arms I hugged her back, though it felt unnatural to do so. When we let go she smiled one more time at me before stepping back inside.

I took a deep breath and followed her inside of the house but before I could reach the dining room I felt something grab my arm and yank me to the side.

A door slammed shut and my head hit the wall behind me. I mewled in pain, trying to reach out to feel the wound, only to realize that my hands were pinned to the wall instead.

The room was fairly dark. My eyes flitted across the room, ignoring the scary presence standing in front of me. The only thing illuminating the room was the faint glow of the moon which made my eyes adjust to the dark. Before me stood a figure with shining blue eyes and a growl escaped his clenched mouth, making his jaw line stand out better.

"Jungkook?", I squeaked out, closing my eyes on instinct when he leaned in closer.

I felt my heart beat pick up when his warm breath tickled my skin. My sweater didn't cover my shoulder completely and a whine left my lips as he nosed my neck, making my head lean the other way. I didn't know what he was doing. Was he smelling my scent? Was he purposely trying to scare me?

I didn't know at all, but the one thing I did know was that my whimpers were starting to get really embarrassing when he started placing kisses on my neck, trailing them downwards a bit until he stopped at my shoulder.

Suddenly he stepped backwards and his shining blue eyes lost a bit of its color. I realized Jungkook's wolf had taken over him for a bit and made him act so strange.

He seemed to have realized too when he dropped his hands, making my arms fall down too. He shook his head and stepped backwards.

"I'm sorry", he mumbled, going over to the door, "I don't know what came over me".

The door was closed again and now I was the only one left in the dark room.

What had caused him to act like this?

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