Twelve little omegas

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Taehyung's P.O.V

My face still felt hot even when I got back home. I had no idea what had come over Jungkook in school but I do know that I hadn't minded it all. I could still feel the ghost of his touch lingering around my waist, and the palm of his hand fitting in mine.

Swallowing back the giggles that wanted to escape my mouth I quickly dashed the my room, passing my mom whose words weren't register in my brain at all. Diving on my fluffy bed and bouncing on the mattress, I kicked my feet in the air while flailing my arms around.

I was acting like a some teenage girl and I absolutely didn't care.


My mother's voice sounded from the other side of the door and I hummed, allowing her to come inside.

She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, arching an eyebrow at my beaming grin.

"You look happy", she pointed out, walking over to the bed where I now sat cross-legged, "Did something happen while teaching in high school?"

I could feel my insides planning on bursting if I didn't blurt out to someone what had happened. My mother had always been very sweet and understanding so I wasn't so scared to tell her about it.

"You have to promise not to tell dad", I told her, grabbing her hands in mine.

She gave me a small smile and nodded.

"I've found my mate", I blurted out.

Her eyes widened and then narrowed.

"Is he in high school?", she asked suspiciously.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

My mother smiled knowingly and tilted her head, "It's Jeon Jungkook, isn't it?"

My body tensed and I guess my expression confirmed her theory already.

"How did you know?", I asked curiously, feeling my anxiety ebb away the more she smiled at me.

"Women have this sense of intuition my dear. I knew there was something going on between you and Jungkook at dinner. You didn't act as strangers and you seemed oddly comfortable around each other. I bet Lisa noticed as well".

"We're not that comfortable around each other", I mumbled, thinking back at the numerous times of being pinned to walls and blushing furiously.

"Ah and of course when I went to the bathroom and saw Jungkook storming out another room, seemingly all flustered and confused at himself, and then later you as well came out of that room... I kind of pieced everything together".

I felt my whole face glowing red and hid it in my hands.

"Has dad noticed already?", my voice asked, muffled by my hands.

She chuckled and grabbed my hands in her, lifting them off my face, "I don't think so honey. Though we may have to tell him soon since we can't be leading on Lisa now, can we?"

"Lisa already knows I found my mate", I sighed, averting my eyes away from her, "She had figured it out already".

"Then we'll have to tell the Jung's this news before it's too late", my mother said, lacing my fingers with hers, "It would be unfair to them to keep pretending".

"But I'm not sure if Jungkook wants to be with me", I pulled my lips into a tin line and stared at her confused expression, "Since he's an omega, he has been harassed a lot by both alphas and betas. When I first met him in my class he told me that when he would ever find his mate, he would reject that person immediately since he hates being controlled"

She bit her lip in thought, a habit I had learnt from her.

"I still fear rejection even though today he had seemed to have kind of accepted me as his mate", I spoke out hesitantly, "I just hope he'll realize that he won't be controlled by me. Heck, I'm the one being dominated by him. He's some scary omega".

Mother nodded and seemed to consider something.

"Maybe we could invite him over for dinner sometime. Let him see in that our family is nice and that you won't boss him around", she smiled softly.

"But mom- dad will want to make him pack luna and I don't want to witness the outcome of that since Jungkook will refuse for sure".

"Then you'll just have to convince your dad to make you the luna", she chuckled before standing up, "Don't worry too much Taehyungie. The moon goddess chose him to be with you for a reason".

"I hope so", I mumbled, "Otherwise I'll kick her ass for setting me up with the most controversial omega in the world".

As soon as she left the room I was once again left alone with my thoughts, this time not beaming happily to myself but now gloomy, dwelling on the possible outcomes of when me and Jungkook would end up together.

Do I claim him? Or won't he allow me to claim him as mine? I mean- an alpha always marks his mate and property, but Jungkook doesn't want to be seen as a mere possession. So will I have to wear the mark? Or will we both mark each other?

I spent the night wondering lots of things until sleep finally caught me in its hold and lulled me to sleep. Until in the middle of the night my eyes snapped open and my face heated up.

Does this mean he tops!???

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