Two little omegas

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"I know that wall is very interesting but we have a job to do".

I got startled out of my daydream when Yoongi was suddenly beside me, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"You've been in there for quite a while", I stated, pointing at the door he came from.

"The secretary was hot. I needed to work my magic of course", he smirked, crossing his arms.

"Of course", I rolled my eyes, "So where to?"

"The gym. Apparently some pups still didn't learn their self-control", Yoongi sighed, walking to the gym with me following behind.

"Isn't it their pack's responsibility to train them self-control?"

The older sighed, "Yeah, but some packs seemingly don't care about that aspect and just sent their pups to school without realizing the consequences".

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my hands inside of my pockets. It's crazy that packs don't think about the safety of other people outside of their own pack. What if a werewolf can't control themselves and attacks a random human child? Of course it doesn't happen all the time but when it happens, it's traumatic for both parties. You don't want to be a werewolf pup that couldn't contain yourself and killed an innocent life. You'll be shamed by your pack and guilt will eat you alive.

Yoongi and I arrived at the gym where a group of boys and girls were assembled. This was only a part of the gym, the secluded part where no one could see our practice.

They spotted us and stopped talking with each other. Since they were only first years they didn't have the cockiness that the last years would have. They still respected their elders.

"Hello class", I smiled, feeling like a school's teacher, "Welcome to 'how to be a werewolf in high school 101".

"That's lame", Yoongi said.

"You're lame", I retorted, grinning when I heard the pups laugh.

"Okay, so I'm Taehyung and this is Yoonig. We'll be here every Monday-"

"Unfortunately", Yoongi muttered.

I shot him a glare and continued, "-to solve problems, deal with self-control or other stuff. Got that?"

They all nodded.

"Okay, so I heard some of you haven't learnt to control your wolf yet?"

Some looked at each other like what I told them was crazy while others looked sheepish.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of when you haven't learnt to control it yet. You guys are still young and you have to learn on your way. We're here to teach you some basic stuff your pack didn't teach you. So raise your hand if you want some basics on self-control".

Some boys and girls raised their hands and I nudged Yoongi who seemed to be on the brink of falling asleep.

"You'll train with Yoongi over here. The rest can stay with me", I told them and the group split up. I sat in a circle with the remaining wolves and asked them about their first impressions of the high school and how they were planning on keeping their existence a secret to humans.

"Why don't humans know about us?", a small girl asked.

"They would be quite surprised and terrified wouldn't they? We're basically half beast, a beast that we sometimes can't even control ourselves. Do you think they could still trust us when we don't even trust ourselves sometimes?", I asked her and she quickly shook her head.

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