Thirteen little omegas

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Jungkook's P

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I haven't seen Taehyung in a few days, and honestly, it's been tearing me apart. My wolf keeps whining for him and it feels like my heart is getting emptier by the day. Trying to forget about him is making my body feel heavier, as if it's protesting against my brain and telling it to do what's right. But is it right to feel like this about an alpha when I've been hating on them my whole life?

I huff and turn my head to the side so that it get squished on the the fluffy pillow. The trees outside wave in the air and I feel myself staring longingly to the forest that connects our two packs together. I could just shift right now and run to him. I could finally settle my wolf down and be left alone for a few days again.

The temptation within me grew and before I knew it I was stuffing clothes into my backpack and changing into my black spotted wolf. Carrying the backpack between my teeth I dashed out of the window and into the dark woods that was unmarked territory between multiple packs. I pass squirrels and deer on the way, startling them by my sudden appearance. My nose suddenly starts itching and my gaze lands on a figure that was sitting on a branch, high in one of the trees. I slowed down and padded over to it, placing my bum on the ground and dropping the backpack out of my mouth. I grimaced at the wolf drool that hung on the straps but decided to ignore it since my mate was only a few feet above me right at that moment.

"Hi wolfy", he spoke, looking down and waving at me, "Or should I say, Jungkook?"

I licked my nose and tried scratching my ear that had suddenly started itching. I couldn't actually reply since I wasn't human right now and I didn't want to shift in front of him because that could scare him off. I know us werewolves were taught to deal with nudeness but in front of my mate, I didn't exactly want to deal with that.

"This is the first time I see you in wolf form", he said, "You're quite cute. Those white spots and black fur makes you look like some Dalmatian".

I huffed at him, his bright laugh tickling my ears and making me feel all mushy inside. I growled to which his eyes responded by flashing red.

"What? You want to see me shift too?", he asked and I nodded, standing up again on four paws.

"Alrighty", he said, jumping off the branch without hurting himself, luckily. I decided to turn around and wait for him to shift. Deep inside I wanted to glance behind me and take a peek, but he would probably notice and I really wanted to see his wolf form.

I heard steps behind me and suddenly someone pounced on me, sending me and him tumbling off the hill.

A brown wolf with black and white streaks loomed above me, staring seemingly amused at me. I growled at him and he dipped down, licking my nose to which I had to sneeze. The wolf, whose scent screamed 'taehyung' bumped his head against mine and stepped off.

His wolf was bigger than mine since he was an alpha. His eyes shone a bright red and in his reflection I could see mine glowing blue. He motioned his head to the side and dashed into that direction, expecting me to follow him.

He was feeling very confident today, doing things that would normally fluster him. He initiated everything and didn't even seem fazed about it. I wondered if this was the effect his wolf had on him, making him feel stronger and more confident than his human form would be.

We ran through the forests and played hide and seek. Of course we almost always found each other immediately since we could catch each other's scents from afar. I tried muffling my scent by hiding in a puddle of mud that had formed from the rainfall yesterday. Even though it took Taehyung longer than usual to find me, he still caught me in a matter of minutes. When he spotted me he immediately started sprinting away from me and dashed behind him, ready to smear the mud all over him.

But I suddenly lost his scent and the forest quietened down as I tried catching my breath. Where had he run off to? And where the hell had I ended up in? I didn't recognize this part of the forest and honestly, every tree looked the same.

I decided to lie flat down on my stomach and wait for Taehyung to come back since I would only run lost in this forest. He would come back for me right?

I huffed and laid my head between my paws, staring up at the ground beneath me. I could feel the mud drying and hardening in my fur, making my skin itch uncomfortably. Where had Taehyung run off to? What was taking him so long to come back?

A howl slipped past my lips and I was surprised at the sound I had made. Was that my wolf taking control for a small second there? I hadn't even realized I could actually howl that loud.

A sudden noise caught my attention and I turned my head in the direction of it. Another howl soon followed and I got back on my paws, immediately dashing towards it. The howls got more frequent and more painful. Suddenly whimpers and cries rippled through them and it took all of me to keep my wolf from taking over completely. Taehyung's scent got back in the air and it gave me extra courage to keep moving.

Finally I reached the place where I had heard the howls come from and I stopped in my tracks. Taehyung's wolf stared up at me with faint glowing red eyes, his body lying on the ground and one paw stuck in a beartrap. The scent of blood overwhelmed me, making me slightly dizzy for a second. Without a second thought I changed into my human form, not caring that I was naked now, and ran over to him.

"Oh my fucking god", I mumbled, grabbing the bear trap and trying to get it to open up. Since I trained myself physically a lot, I was able to open it up, together with the (little) wolf strength I had as an omega. As soon as Taehyung was freed he began whining and pushing his head against my leg, limping on one paw where he was losing a lot of blood from.

I wrapped my arms around his body and picked him up, stumbling a bit as he trashed around because I accidently touched his wounded paw.

"I'll get you home safe", I told him, pecking his head, and dashing to where I thought his pack was. 

Wolf forms

Wolf forms

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