Twenty two little omegas

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Strap in for a hell of a ride ʕʔ

Taehyung's P.O.V

I stirred awake once my ears picked up on the quiet sobbing next to me. Opening my eyes, I remembered the events of yesterday. Saving Jungkook twice, bringing his frozen figure home and falling asleep with him in my arms. I turned my head to see Jungkook's face pressed up against my side, shedding tears that soaked my shirt.

"Kook?", I spoke out groggily, cupping his cheek that was stained with tears.

He nudged his head further into my side and the grip on my chest tightened.

"Everything's alright now babe", I whispered, grabbing his waist so we were face to face. He blinked the oncoming tears away as I cooed at the cute sight in front of me. Since when did the omega become so adorable? He wiped his eyes and cheeks and finally looked me in the eye, his bottom lip still quivering.


"It won't", he said sternly which confused me.

"What do you mean-"

"Nothing is alright", he cried out, "They won't stop coming onto. They won't stop harassing me. Beating up Liam changed nothing!"

He began crying again and I quickly hugged the boy close, running my hands through his hair while softly shushing him.

"C-Claim me Taehyung", he sobbed and I felt my breath hitch, "Please, I'm begging you, mark me so this will all be over".

"B-But Jungkook", I stuttered, taking his face in my hands to stare at him, believing I had heard him wrong. But his eyes were aflame and his jaw was clenched as he pushed my head to his shoulder, urging me to bite his skin.

"Please", he cried, breaking down again, "I want you Taehyung, as my mate, friend, anything at all. Just please make them go away".

"What about boyfriend?", I mumbled, closing my eyes to forget the tempting sight in front of me and the addicting smell the pretty boy gave out. Jungkook didn't give me a reply so I pulled back and stared him in the eye.

"Do you want me as your boyfriend?", I asked him again, noticing his eyes light up a bit more. It was a foreign feeling to be in a dominant position for once but I decided not to dwell on it. Once Jungkook would be freed from his sadness, he would immediately take over again. But for now, I was in charge, and the adorable shy smile that appeared on his lips would forever be engraved into my memory.

He nodded while his eyes flashed a bright blue, his lips tugged up in a bright smile. I grabbed his neck and brought it closer to me.



"Let's do this together".

"Wha- Oh", he quickly realized what I meant and placed his hand on my shoulder. I felt his breath hit my skin and I closed in on his shoulder, licking my lips while my canines grew. This was the moment.

My teeth broke his skin apart and I heard his moan muffle against my own skin where he had planted his teeth into. I had to keep in my own noises too and retracted my canines when I felt the bond complete.

"Oh my god", I whispered, placing a hand on the fresh mark on my neck.

"Didn't know it could feel this good", Jungkook replied, holding his own mark as he smiled.

"To be marked or to have a boyfriend?"

He chuckled and dropped down on the mattress again, I followed after so we were cuddling once again.

He sighed and nosed the mark he made, "Both".


A bit short but hey, it's Christmas Eve and I've watched 3 movies today inbetween my studies so forgive me for being lazy today ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ

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