Eight little omegas

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Tonight was my birthday party that my parents had arranged for me. At 12 pm I had to tell the pack who their future pack alpha would be. At 12 pm I would be chained to someone for the rest of my life.

It's unnecessary to say how much I hated my life at this moment.

But there was a little light at the end of the tunnel. And that light came in the form of a red haired, tan boy with a sweet honey scent mixed with the scent of campfire ashes. Kim Taehyung turned out to be my mate. He was an alpha, promised to Hoseok's sister, and the future head alpha of his pack. This meant he was the worse choice that could get presented to me. And still, he didn't seem as that bad of a choice now when I stood on the stage, looking down on the pack members, and people from school.

Sure, I could pick Hoseok who was only a beta and was very sweet. But he'd still try to dominate me either way.

Taehyung on the other hand, was a whole other story. I felt powerful around him, even though he was an alpha. He became a stuttering, flustered mess every time I was around. He made me feel like the alpha at that moment. And I was beginning to become addictive to that dominating feeling.

I could barely tell the difference between the people standing in the crowd, though one person stood out. He was wearing a black maroon suit and looked nervously at the stage. His eyes flickered from my parents, to me and then back at the stage lights. He bit down on his nails and I couldn't help but smirk as his cheeks flushed red when he caught me staring at him.

I understood he was feeling anxious. After all, this would be the moment where I could reject him and make him crumble into a dead werewolf. The power was in my hands & I absolutely adored it.

"Son", my father spoke, "You have to tell them now".

I glanced one last time at the anxious mess of an alpha that was Kim Taehyung and sighed.

"Father", I said, covering the mic he tried handing to me, "There's been a change of plans".

Both my father and mother raised their eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I found my mate today", I explained, "I can't just pick Hoseok now".

At this new information they both gasped and I saw the panic in my mother's eyes.

"What will we tell the crowd? The pack? The Sun Flower pack?", she hastily said and I simply shrugged.

"I don't know. But I'm not ready to reject my mate tonight", I half heartily smiled before walking off the stage, hearing multiple gasps coming from the crowd.

I spotted Taehyung looking utterly confused but relieved as I stepped down. He caught me staring and before he could look away I motioned my head to the door. His eyes widened but he nodded anyway, his hands immediately flying to his tie to fumble with it.

Cute, I commented internally.

I walked through the double doors and heard him follow me. When the doors slammed shut for a second time, I turned around and breathed in his scent for the second time that day.

"Y-You didn't reject me", he spoke first, gazing down at the ground.

I hummed and stepped a bit closer, noticing how his body tensed. He uncomfortable shifted from one foot to another and glanced up at me.

"Why?", he asked, his voice small as if he was scared of my answer, of my intentions, and most of all, scared of me.

"Because you're-", I paused for a moment and thought of a good way to phrase it, "Interesting".

He pulled his mouth into a straight line and tilted his head, "Interesting? In what way?"

"Look", I stepped closer and pressed him against the brick wall. placing my hand on his chest, I heard his rapid heartbeat quicken even more until the point it almost seemed to explode. His cheeks flushed strawberry red and I noticed this, even though it was dark out. A streetlight a few meters away was the only thing illuminating our conversation.

"Notice the way you react to me", I spoke, my voice a tad lower while I stared him in the eyes, "You're under my control. I'm the one dominating you".

I leant closer until I was right beside his ear, "How can I not get addicted to this feeling when you act so damn submissive".

He gasped and pushed me away weakly. I only stumbled a bit but quickly regained myself, catching his wrist when he tried running away.

"I'm not rejecting you Kim Taehyung", I said sternly, "But I'm also not accepting you. You're promised to Hoseok's sister, you're the future head alpha and most of all, an alpha to begin with. If we want this to work out, we"ll have to think this through".

He faintly nodded and ran away as soon as I loosened my grip. I chuckled, seeing him act so nervous and jumpy around me sure made me feel good.

Maybe I didn't mind having an alpha mate that much.

I realized it's been a while since I've posted a picture of my doggo. This is her. She's 8 months now. 


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