Sixteen little omegas

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Taehyung's P

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Mom... where's Jungkook?"

I didn't really care if she thought that I was stupid, thinking about Jungkook even after having heard I almost died. But I couldn't help but wonder why I had smelt his scent out there once my mother walked inside and now it was suddenly gone like that.

"He'll visit you soon honey", she smiled softly, caressing my cheek, "He's a really nice boy, you know".

My cheeks flushed a bit red at the memory of a worried Jungkook running with me through the woods. I averted my eyes and mumbled out a soft, "I know".

"Do you want to tell your father about him?", she asked, sitting back down on the chair beside the bed.

"I don't know. Will he be mad at me for not having informed him earlier?"

She smiled and shook her head, "He may have never told you but he went through the same thing as you. He was engaged with this other girl before he met me the day before his wedding. It's unnecessary to say how angry his parents were with my appearance".

She giggled at the memory and tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"No Taehyung, he won't be mad at you".

I bit my bottom lip and nodded, "Alright, I will tell him then".

Mom stuck her nose in the air and looked behind her to the door.

"I guess you'll have the chance soon enough. He's here".

It always amazed me how easily she could be aware of his presence by mere smell. But now that I know how strong Jungkook's scent is to me, I get how she always knows when he's home.

"Taehyung!", father barged through the door and quickly ran to my side, "Namjoon informed me about you. Wolfsbane!? How did that happen?"

"Easy dear, he's fine now. But we do have to discuss a few things", mom said, pulling father by the hand so he could sit down on the chair next to her.

"Apparently yes. A bear trap with wolfsbane laid hidden in the woods needs a lot of discussing. I should get the other head alphas of the nearby packs together to talk about this", he said, his eyes flickering to my arm that was bandaged, "Son, can you tell me what happened specifically?"

I sighed and glanced at my toes that wriggled underneath the white blanket. Mom smiled at me, ushering me to tell him but I felt anxious to talk about Jungkook.

Father glanced between the two of us and furrowed his eyebrows, "Is there something you two aren't telling me?"

I took a deep breath of air, "Father, in order to tell you the story I need to tell you one more thing before you start questioning everything. I um- have found my mate".

His eyes widened.

"And it's Jeon Jungkook".

He gasped, "Jung Hoseok's soon to be mate? The male omega from the Dandelion pack?"

I nodded.

"Lisa's brother's soon to be mate?"

"About that- she noticed I wasn't really interested in her since I already knew Jungkook was my mate before meeting her. Only... Jungkook wasn't aware of that quite yet before his birthday", I explained.

He nodded with his eyebrows still knitted together.

"I see... Please tell me about what happened earlier today", he asked and I started talking after glancing one last time at my mom.

"I went outside and into the forest to clear my mind a bit after studying all morning. When I had climbed into one of the trees a sudden wolf sat down underneath the tree and I immediately realized it was Jungkook of course. His blue eyes and the strong scent told me that already. I shifted into my wolf too and we goofed around in the forest, playing hide and seek and such. When he chased me after he had been hiding in a puddle of mud I tried outrunning him since I didn't want to get my fur all dirty. But eventually I lost him and when I tried running back to where he was my paw got stuck in a beartrap that was hidden underneath a pile of leaves. I couldn't shift back anymore and noticed something purple being smothered on the trap but I had no idea what it was. I could hear Jungkook howling from where he was and howled back. He eventually found me and shifted back, breaking the trap and carrying me back here. He found mom and she brought us to Doctor Namjoon who then treated me. I blacked out somewhere after being brought inside here".

It was silent in the room after that and I anxiously glanced between my two parents.

Suddenly my father started laughing and I noticed tears leaking out of his eyes.

"F-Father?", I asked a bit startled.

"I'm sorry Tae", he smiled, wiping away the tears that kept streaming down, "I'm just so happy that you've found your mate. I know how it feels to find your mate when you're already promised to someone else. It's both exciting and horrible. I'm sorry you hesitated on telling me. But I'm so goddamn happy you found your true one".

I smiled and noticed my mother hugging my father, staring at him fondly.

"I'm also really relieved you're okay. Wolfsbane ruins most werewolves' lives. You should really thank Jungkook for getting you back here as soon as possible".

I nodded, "I'm planning on doing that as soon as I see him again".

He smiled at me again and patted my shoulder, "I'll immediately call off your  and Lisa's wedding. My son deserves his real mate".

I smiled. Even after all the pain I went through today, this was still one of the happiest days in my life.

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