Twenty five little omegas

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I don't want to sound like some whining author, because that's the last thing I want to sound like. But this just has to get off my chest for a moment. Some people here may have read the ending of Banana split and well yeah... I realize it isn't the happiest of endings but please, some comments I got are really uncomfortable. Please don't comment you're going to commit suicide because of me. I really take it to heart and I really didn't mean to upset some of you.


Jungkook's P.O.V

"Oh boys, you're both soaked!", mother said in surprise once we appeared inside. She was making dinner and wore a pink apron that was smeared with butter and flour.

"It's raining", I shrugged, grabbing Taehyung's hand and pulling him to my room. We dropped our bags close to the radiator so the clothes inside of it could dry quicker and I threw him some of my clothes that he could wear.

"I bought a new outfit to impress your dad, but what do I get? Sweatpants and a white shirt?", Taehyung huffed, already in the progress on throwing off his shirt. I quickly averted my gaze from his naked torso and got myself some clothes too.

"We'll just have to wait until it dries", I shrugged, getting out the clothes we bought for him and hanging them on the heater, "But for now you can wear mine".

"It's not like I'm complaining or anything", he said, sitting down on the bed with my clothes, sniffing the fabric of his shirt, "They smell like you".

"Oh shut up", I rolled my eyes, throwing my shirt off with my back turned to him. I felt his eyes on my body but ignored it as I quickly slipped on a dark hoodie. My jeans turned out to be more of a struggle than the shirt since they clung to my legs. I heard a deep chuckle come from behind me and suddenly there were hands on my waist which slipped to my hips.

"Having some trouble?", he whispered in my ear. I almost karate chopped him for scaring me but quickly turned to jelly once he started kissing my neck. I almost forgot about his hands which were fumbling around with the zipper but I didn't seem to mind as I let his fingers hook around the waistband of my jeans before slipping them off. I had never felt his exposed in my life, and even though it was in front of another boy, who I called my boyfriend, I still felt my cheeks heat up.

"Are you blushing?", he asked as I stepped out of my jeans before quickly grabbing my sweatpants and jumping into them.

"No", I swiftly said before giving him a light push, "Get that smirk off your face".

The smirk didn't disappear until an half our later when it changed into a grim expression once mom called us to dinner. He quickly dressed himself in simple black pants, dress shoes and a black checkered shirt while I put on a white sweatshirt and blue jeans.

"Ready?", I asked, intertwining our hands which made me cringe cause his hands were sweating a lot, "Please wipe your hand before you give my dad a handshake"

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"Ready?", I asked, intertwining our hands which made me cringe cause his hands were sweating a lot, "Please wipe your hand before you give my dad a handshake".

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