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Ein sanfter Schauer lief über meinen Rücken als Ed seine Augen schloss und anfing zu spielen.

Die Seiten quietschten sanft und er hob die Stimme.

I fell in love next to you

Burning fires in this room

It just fits light and smooth

Like my feet in my shoes

Little one, lie with me

Sew you heart to my sleeve

We'll stay quiet

Underneath shooting stars

If it helps you sleep

And hold me tight

Don't let me breathe

Feeling like you won't believe

There's a firefly

Loose tonight better catch it

Before it burns this place down

And I lie if I don't feel so right

But the world looks better

Through your eyes

Teach my skin those new tricks

Warm me up with your lips

Heart to heart, melt me down

It's too cold in this town

Close your eyes lean on me

Face to mouth lips to cheek

Feeling numb in my feet

You're the one to help me get to sleep

And hold me tight don't let me breathe

Feeling like you won't believe

There's a firefly

Loose tonight better catch it

Before it burns this place down

And I lie if I don't feel so right

But the world looks better

Through your eyes

It's only been one night of love

And maybe that is not enough

Hold me tight don't let me breathe

Feeling like you won't believe

It's only been one night of love

And maybe that's not enough

Hold me tight don't let me breathe

Feeling like you won't believe

There's a firefly loose tonight better catch it

Before it burns this place down

And I lie if I don't feel so right

But the world looks better through your eyes

Ein plötzliches Stille umhüllte uns als Ed's Finger von den Gitarrenseiten sanken und seine blauen Augeen schüchtern meine suchten.

Loose Change |Ed SheeranWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt