20; Human

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"Where'd Landon and Carter go?" I ask as we make our way towards Xavier's car since I came with Carter to school but since she's not here, I can't ride with her.

"He took her to a restaurant, I think." Xavier tells me.

I nod, and smirk. "Aw, isn't that cute."

Xavier sighs as he opens the passenger side for me. I smile thankfully and get inside. He shuts the door and walks to the drivers seat of his matte black Camaro, he also had tinted windows.

"Whats with that?" I ask confused. Did he like Carter?

"Whats, what?" Xavier replies as he starts the car and glances at me.

"You always sighing when I mention Carter and Landon in the same sentence." I tell him as I raise an eyebrow.

Xavier turns his attention at me, "I already told you. Because Carter is not right for Landon."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Whats that supposed to mean?"

Xavier bites his lip as he looks at me. "You know your beautiful, right?"

I roll my eyes, he actually tried to change the subject!

"Yes I know, now answer the question." I ordered.

Xavier sighed, "Landon is fragile, okay? I don't trust Carter. I'm sorry, but it's my opinion."

"You make it seem as if he is a little kid," I mumble and decide to drop the subject because I know it wasn't going to go anywhere.


"I'll drop you off at your house." I addressed. Landon chuckles, "You don't need to."

"I'm volunteering to." I begin, "I want to."

Landon sighs, "Okay, fine."

I grin, "Great."

I soon pull into the gate as Landon had instructed where his house was.

Landon gets out and does the exact same thing he did when we came to his house earlier. The gate soon opened and Landon got back into the car.

I drive up his driveway towards his house. "You're house is nice." I compliment.

He smiles, "Thanks,"

I stop the car as he opens the door and gets out. Before he shuts the door he pops his head back in. "Would you like to....." He trails off and glances back. "Come inside?"

I hesitate but soon nod, "Sure,"

Landon's lips twitch up and a smile forms onto his lips. "Alright, let's go,"

I take the keys out and get out of the car, locking it. I walk over to Landon waiting for me by the form of steps in front of the house.

"Shall we?" He amuses.

I nod, "We shall."

He opens the door and motions for me to go in first. I walk in slowly and Landon walks in behind me, shutting the door.

The walls were a grey color, painted obviously. There was a big window showing the front of the yard. The curtains maroon color, were closed.

"Wow," I mumble as my eyes roam the room we were certainly in.

"Thanks," He replies as he walks towards a room. I follow him slowly as I realize it was the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" He asks and turns to me as he opens the fridge.

I shrug, "Not really,"

"Want some coffee?" He offers, shutting the fridge as he eyes something in it.

"No—" I begin but he cuts me off, "C'mon, the coffee I make is really good."

I sigh and finally nod, "Okay,"

Landon nods, and turns to the coffee machine. He begins making it as I sit on a stool.

I glance around the room. It was decent. The walls were white, the stools were black, the island counter was marble.

Landon walks over with two cups of coffee. "Here you go," he smiles as he carefully hands me the mug of hot coffee.

"Thanks," I reply as I look down at the liquid substance.

It was a light brown color, color of a frappe. I look up at him as he takes a sip of the hot coffee, not phased by the most likely burning sensation.

"Whats in this?" I question.

He puts his cup down onto the island counter, "A secret recipe from when I was little,"

"So, you are not going to tell me?" I inquired.

He nods, "You are correct."

I groan, "Why not?"

"Because now you'll have a reason to come over," He admits as I begin to blush. "I guess so,"

"So, what do you want to do?" Landon questions.

"I have a question for you, actually.." I trail off and glance at him as he raises an eyebrow, motioning for me to continue.

"Why do you and Nathan hate each other?" I hesitate.

Landon narrows his eyes at me, "Why do you care?"

"Because every single time I'm hanging out with either of you two, the other one sends dangers in their direction, or comes around and starts an argument. And I know it's not about me." I explain.

Landon chuckles humorlessly, "Can I not dislike Nathan for who he is?"

"And that exactly is?" I ask.

"A dog." He clucks his tongue once.

"Thats not very nice for a human to say," I retort.

"Who said I was human?" He wondered.

I narrow my eyes back at him, "You did," I begin as I stand up and begin walking towards him. "You said you were human, not any sort of supernatural."

"I did?" He wondered again.

"Yes..." I trail off as I look away from him, then trail my eyes back to him. "Unless you were lying to me?" I accuse.

"So, now your accusing me?" Landon coaxed as he took a step closer to me.

My heart began to speed up, "Not accusing, you told me you were human!"

"I did," He admits.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Then why'd you lie to me?"

He steps alittle closer to me as we were faced to face. "To protect you." He whispers.

He gently grabs my chin and tilts my head to look at him, "You don't know the full story," he slowly lets go of my face and steps back, breaking eye contact with me. "Therefore you wouldn't understand my side."

"You don't know th—" I begin but Landon cuts me off, "I do. I'm always the bad person in any situation."

"Maybe," I concurred. Landon looks up at me confused, "But, the people who say that, probably don't know your side."

Landon bites his lip and sighs, "What are you trying to tell me?"

I hesitate and step closer to him as he watches my every move. "I'm saying that I'm not going to judge you. You have been on my side, you never have hurt me. You're not the bad guy here."

Landon's lip twitches, he quickly brings me closer to him and hugs me. "Thank you, Carter."

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