56:Too Weak To Resist

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"They will be coming for us," Carter walked into the living room where everyone was chattering away. It was morning now, Carter could not get any sleep,she stayed up wondering who helped her escape besides the people in front of her. If it wasn't Landon then who?

Jenny snapped her head towards her daughter, "Yes, but we will be well aware, nor you and Vienna are not allowed to go out." 

"I already knew that." Carter retorted as she made her way to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Jenny stood up and followed Carter into the kitchen, "I will have people guard your door. For extra protection. We need to be prepared."

Carter stood on her tiptoes and opened the pantry, listening to her mom.

"Carter," Jenny began, her tone more strict.

Carter furrowed her eyebrows turning around to look at her mother. "Yes?"

"Andrea's power is very lethal." Jenny glanced behind her at the entrance to the kitchen, making sure no one was listening. "It isn't here."

Carter widened her eyes, "What do you mean?!"

"I cannot find it." Jenny whispered.

"What do you mean you can't find it?" Carter shook her head in disbelief. "You had it somewhere safe!"

"Someone got to it," Jenny looked down, "Someone betrayed us."


"Bring him in." Elijah nodded to the guards.

The two guards opened the double doors, revealing Landon with rope tied around his arms, vampire vervain dripping off the rope, burning Landon's wrists, making him weak. 

Ace stared down at Landon as he was stood beside Elijah, Nina on his other side. Justin and Nathan were stood beside Ace. Landon glared up at Nathan and Justin, noticing that they both had the upside down cross on their face.

"You betrayed me," Elijah began, "You will pay-" 

Landon cut him off, "You have no proof." 

Elijah narrowed his eyes at Landon, "Do not mistaken me for a fool, Bennett." 

Landon rolled his eyes, as Elijah continued. "I have witnesses," 

"Who?" Landon mused.

"Nathan," Elijah glanced at him, Nathan winked at Landon. 

"He is lying," Landon scoffed.

"You can earn your loyalty back though of course, I give second chances." Elijah tilted his head to the side, staring at Landon. "Sometimes." 

"Bring Carter to me." Elijah continued. 

Ace narrowed his eyes at Elijah, "My Lord, he will run." 

"My dear Ace," Elijah chuckled, "He won't be able to." 

Ace furrowed his eyebrows, but remained quiet.

"Due to your actions, you will be punished." Elijah stood up, Nina smirked. "Next time, if you are still alive, you will understand that I do not like traders. You are lucky I am not going to kill you just yet. I am going to wait till you bring Carter back to me, as I let my vampires feed on her as you watch, helplessly." 

Elijah chuckled darkly, as he watched Landon clench his jaw angrily.

Landon wasn't going to bring Carter back, he would die before he would let anyone get a hold of her. If he didn't have vervain wrapped around his wrists, he would launch right at Elijah for saying those words about Carter.

Elijah's eyes turned electric blue, Landon furrowed his eyebrows confused, Elijah was a hybrid?

Elijah grabbed a knife from his sleeve under his suit, murmuring words under his breath, rolling his sleeve up his arm. Elijah put the knife to his wrist, swiftly slicing it open. Black blood gushed out, sliding down the palm of his hand, onto the floor. Elijah grabbed a hold of Landon's wrist, Landon too weak to resist. Elijah cut open Landon's wrist right by the rope, red blood gushing out. Elijah continued mumbling chants under his breath as he held his wrist above Landon's, letting the black blood drip onto the cut. 

Elijah swiftly cut the rope off of Landon's wrists, throwing the knife to Nina with no hesitation. Nina catching it with ease, the smirk never leaving her face.

"Landon?" Elijah snapped his fingers in front of his face. 

Landon looked up, emotionless. 

Elijah smirked, knowingly.  "Good," 

Elijah sat back down on his throne, "Bring Carter Flame to me, kill whoever gets in your way. You have four hours."

Landon nodded emotionless, still trying to progress what just happened.

Elijah put a spell on him.

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