:Chapter 1:

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I was sitting in my dorm room silently looking down at the canvas that was in front of me. On it was a landscape painting of the ocean with waves hitting the white sandy beaches. 'A nice painting.' The sun was setting sending brilliant hues of pink and orange onto the water.

'Someone is in a romantic mood. I bet I know why.' I ignored Satan as I mixed the pink with a dark color giving it a darker color. Then blended some onto the ocean waves reflecting the sky and setting sun.

'It's because you took the stick out of your ass and finally gave Dalton a chance.' 'Maybe you should go give taking a hike a chance.' Satan smirked at me as I focused back on the painting. Classes had started back up again. We had moved onto scenery paintings now.

Which I didn't mind. This was my second painting. The first one had been a scene in hell that the professor thought was mars. Idiot. Now I was working on a beach. I had been looking at photos and saw a photo like this and decided to paint it as it was just beautiful.

But Satan would not leave me alone now since I reluctantly agreed to give Dalton and I's relationship a try. But I made him promise not to tell anyone not a single soul. Not even Andrew his identical twin brother. Only two people knew. Satan and Maryse.

Maryse because she was there and Satan because and wouldn't stay out of my damn head! 'You should kiss him.' 'Go away.' 'Kiss him next time you see him. Just when he opens the door grab him by his shirt and kiss him before pulling him in. Lilith did it with me' 'I bet it ended worse.' Satan smirked.

Oh my gosh. Freaking cupid decided to rain love arrows down in NYC and Greenburg now didn't he. First Derik, then Ryne, and now me. God I wasn't in love with anyone except myself! 'And Maryse.' Yes Maryse. 'And me because you love me.' I rolled my eyes at Satan.

I honestly could of rejected his advances but no. Stupid mind had to say fine. Give it a shot. I didn't have the heart to say no and see him all sad and gloomy. God I use to have a heart of freaking impenetrable iron.

'And Dalton is lava. Lava melts iron.' Satan was getting on my nerves now and no doubt smirking. At that moment the door opened and Angel walked in holding a bag of fast food. Wendy's. "Got some food roomie." Angel said as she went to go sit down on her bed.

I accepted the bag as I pushed the easel by and set the paints down. With that I opened the bag and began searching through. I had a regular sized spicy chicken sandwich with cheese along with a medium sized onion rings and a Pepsi. "Thanks who bought it?" I asked.

"Dalton did. He said that in exchange for buying it they can eat over here." Angel said with a shrug. "Why are they eating over here?" I asked. He wasn't gonna try to make a move publically right? No he wouldn't. Oh he'd regret if he did. But he promised he wouldn't. Oh I should stop worrying and eat.

"Nico said we have a better stove then they do." Angel said with a small smirk. 'Makes me curious what is for dinner.' "What do they plan on making?" I asked. "Fried clam strips and a variety of fries in the oven." Angel said.

Oh that sounded good actually. "So who in all is going to be here?" I asked. "Andrew, Dalton, Nico, Orchid, and Rodney possibly." Angel said. "No Derik?" I asked. "He's taking Lyric out to see Justice League and then to a nice dinner." Angel said. Anger filled me at that.

I wanted to see Justice League. Derik should of bought three tickets. I wouldn't of even sat next to them if it made them feel better. 'You really want to see that movie.' 'It is greatness. Aquaman, The Flash, Cyborg just awesome. I've waited for this Satan, waited.'

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