:Chapter 18:

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Isabella was on the ground the snow against her leather pants. I was next to her as she stared at the black haired male that Isabella called Pexhar. Pexhar stood up and eyed the now dead alpha hybrid. Most of the hybrids were dead now.

Pexhar stood there silently. He had black hair and deep red eyes. He wore a pair of designer skinny jeans and a shirt with a leather jacket. Not as good as mine though. 'He is a demon and I know that for sure he smells similar to Maryse. Maybe he's a hellhound?'

"Isabella Satan said you had a knack for getting in trouble." Pexhar said as he walked over and picked up a small box. Then he smashed it and Isabella looked relieved. I assume Satan was now talking to her. Ash nodded in agreement at that idea.

Pexhar helped Isabella up and I stood up and pressed my side into her leg. Pexhar looked at me. 'Does he not like us?' 'I don't know and have no desire to ask him if he likes us or not. As long as Isabella likes us we are fine.' Ash nodded in agreement.

"Dalton is the wolf's name?" Pexhar asked. "Yes." Isabella said before petting my fur. I shivered just a little and shook my coat. The rest of my family shifted and went on cleaning up duty for today. I looked at Isabella who nodded and I trotted off to go get dressed.

"Be careful Isabella." Pexhar said before disappearing in a flicker of hellfire. Isabella then headed back into the house. 'Now to get dressed and help repair the door that the hybrids broke.' I nodded in agreement as I went inside and shifted back before putting on my clothes and looking around the house.

Isaac was on the floor with Isadora and the two were being guarded by the three dogs along with Alana who was in wolf form. Kadan had joined the battle outside and even fought alongside me as the hybrids attempted to overwhelm us.

But we killed them all in the end so now Christmas and tomorrow was gonna be a busy day. Repairing a door, some scouting to do, burial and burning of the hybrid bodies and getting rid of them. 'Yes and I believe everyone will be going home in groups.'

I nodded. Derik had gone over to Lyric who was on the couch with her head leaned against his chest. His shotgun laid besides him on the couch as he held Lyric against him firmly as she hugged him. This was her first time seeing an up and personal supernatural fight before hand.

Not to mention she was human and couldn't defend herself. Another reason the place was being secured as there was a defenseless human here along with kids. My mother had joined the battle like a vengeful goddess sent from above. 'She was fastest wolf on the battle field taking out hybrids whenever she could.'

Then combining that with my father's incredible strength they made a deadly team. A wolf pair not to be messed with as they fought together as mates. Biting my lip I finished putting on my clothes as I watched Flimur get to cleaning up the broken glass and throwing it away.

"Danielle would ply wood be fine until we get a window and door person in here?" My father asked coming out. "Yes that'll be fine Jackson." My mom said and my dad nodded before going off to get the ply wood and nail it in to keep it nice and sturdy.

'I'm gonna be way more alert on this vacation from now on.' 'Yes look for hybrid scents more.' "Tell the pack to send out some groups to scan our territory for any hybrids. Five scouts and ten warriors." My mother said as my dad came out who nodded.

We had a nice sized pack defiantly not in the thousands like books like to make it to appear but a nice amount. Enough to keep our territory protected as you needed enough. Just like vampires needed enough to keep their coven protected from any threat they might perceive or get.

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