:Chapter 2:

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Currently I was going through some worksheets that had been given in my college class. Well more of text sheets of how a business could be run. It was around 5 well almost five and I was waiting for Nico to enter the room and tell me to pack it up.

We were having dinner at Isabella's dorm. I smiled at the thought of Isabella and to the event outside of her duplex. When I asked her out. 'And she agreed which was the best moment in my entire life.' Ash had been pretty much high since then.

But we hadn't done any couple things much besides the fact I drove her back to NYC for she could sleep in her car. 'She looks very peaceful in her sleep.' 'Because she is sleeping.' But no one even knew we were dating as Isabella insisted well threatened but I accepted her decision.

She could of rejected me asking her out and go on with her life. But she agreed. . . reluctantly but she agreed. And now I knew I was finally making my way into her heart. Her steel heart but there had been a chip that I made my way through.

But all that mattered was Isabella agreed to be my girlfriend. It may be in secret but it was better then not dating her at all. I loved Isabella and had gotten time to get to know her and not just dive into a relationship like most werewolves.

I got to get to know Isabella. Her good side and her bad side. 'Even in the end she was perfect.' I nodded in agreement with Ash before going back to the papers and taking out my pen and marking something and then putting it back down as I fixed my white button up shirt.

I glanced over at a piece of pecan pie I had brought home. It was mostly finished as I had been eating it in the last two hours. My mom sent us food home and another care package full of delicious things. Even Isabella got a care package. 'From Flimur.'

Andrew and Orchid were no doubt in the living room talking about her magik and how is science would help it. I wonder what Isabella is doing? 'Probably painting or sketching.' I smiled when an idea struck my head making me grin even more then before.

When I got there I'd ask Isabella to paint me a small canvas or sketch me something. Yeah that would be great. As soon as Nico said it was time to go to Angel and Isabella's dorm I'd ask her about it and be very kind and remind her we are dating if I had to.

'Have the tickets come?' 'Yeah, in a week, I canceled the date to a more less busy day.' I had gotten tickets to Justice League for Isabella as she had wanted to see it so I had gotten tickets for us to go see it and soon we'd see it.

I just knew Isabella would be happy that I bought her tickets. Isabella did go on about how she wanted to see it and got jealous Derik bought tickets to other movies but the other one wasn't for her. That's what made me buy Isabella the ticket to Justice League.

It made Isabella happy no doubt. But, of course I hadn't told her just yet. My plan was to surprise her with it. I couldn't wait to see Isabella's expression when I told her that I'd be taking her out to Justice League. She'd probably have a shocked face then an excited face.

Isabella looked adorable when she was excited. 'I know it's so cute but we shouldn't tell her that.' 'She'd no doubt protest.' Ash smiled and nodded his head in agreement as I flipped over the business page and went to the other side my eyes scanning the page.

It had no doubt useful things in my future career of taking over my father's business once I was old enough.  Biting my lip I underlined another sentence that I deemed important just as Nico knocked on the door and I told him he could come in.

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