:Chapter 15:

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Ryne had been making up for every Christmas he lost with me as had Enyr. So I got used to big Christmas's by now but this one was. . . just no words for it. Very big and I had a guess it had to do with I went off to college.

Everyone was over at my house. 'Well of course dear your house is the spotlight.' I rolled my eyes at Satan. Yeah all of them except for Alana and Kadan and their parents they were at Alana's parents house. It was Isadora's first Christmas.

But my brothers were here of course they lived here after all. 'So you can't kick them out. Not that you have the heart to kick out your friends.' Then there was Flimur, Ferrell, Magenta, and their baby for demons along with Maryse. Then came Lucas and Derik who brought Lyric around as usual.

The two would be staying here temporary then they'd fly out to Florida I believe for Derik to meet Lyric's parents. Lyric had some family issues but her family demanded she got there during Christmas break and bring Derik who agreed and seemed quite protective over Lyric since then.

But Lyric had meet Lucas officially in a formal greeting. Now Lyric was sitting next to Lucas quietly. "You are just so cute." Lucas told Lyric earning a glare from Derik. Lyric blushed a little at that causing Lucas to smile. "You should try a cookie Flimur made." Lucas told her.

"Yeah Lucas got get us some." Derik said. 'Looks like Derik is showing his possessiveness now. Showing it a lot.' Mostly towards Ryne as Ryne was straight. Of course Lyric didn't know Enyr and Lucas yet. Lucas left to go get cookies after waving at the two.

Derik glared at him before tugging Lyric closer to him. Maryse and I watched him in interest from the leather sofa. Flimur was over there cooking crazily for Christmas dinner tomorrow and making dinner for Christmas eve. It wasn't anything big like Christmas but it would be absolutely delicious.

Homemade mac and cheese with hamburger. 'When you guys told Lyric that her eyes lit up.' 'Yeah literally like this freaking Christmas tree.' Lyric must really love hamburger and mac and cheese or homemade mac and cheese too but she must love it which is all I know. Wait until she tried Flimur's.

I predict her moving in with Derik eat over here every night. Not that Flimur would mind he enjoyed that people enjoyed his food. 'Makes his day.' I nodded in agreement as Lucas came back with a tray of cookies and a smile on his face like usual. "Cookies for the cute couple." Lucas said.

Derik glared as Lyric accepted some cookies and gave one to Derik who of course accepted it and put on a sweet smile for Lyric. "So how did you two meet?" Lucas asked with a smile as he set his hands on his lap his red-pink eyes meeting Lyric's hazel ones.

"At a library." Lyric murmured as Derik set his hand on hers and Lyric smiled a little. "Yeah she has thing for Asians." Derik replied with a smirk at Lucas who shrugged. "I thought you were Japanese at first actually. But all foreign people are cute." Lyric said her cheeks red.

"I don't look Japanese I am Asian." Derik said. 'Hey look Lyric did what you did thinking he was Japanese except you asked him.' 'Hey they all look the same to me I couldn't tell the difference.' Lyric looked at Derik who offered her a smile.

"What came first your first kiss or date?" Lucas asked. He was interviewing her but putting charm to keep her at ease. Unlike what most people did and put them on the spotlight. "We had sex first." Lyric blurted out then she turned red at what she said and covered her mouth.

"Yeah we lost our virginity to each other, then I made the first move and advanced it into a relationship. Now we are dating and always will be dating and she knows I'm a werewolf and that she is my mate, my only mate and only one I'll ever get. I'll be the best Lyric's ever had."

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