:Chapter 14:

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Being in Greenburg was lovely. Two days had passed since we arrived and hugs were shared. My mom set up a beautiful Christmas tree. A real one like usual as we did every year. Grace decided she had wanted to be a present and slept underneath it.

The tree was covered in red and gold ornaments along with our baby ornaments and bead garnet. Or silver garnet I couldn't tell it seemed to be the same. 'But it is all so pretty.' Like usual we had a custom star with a wolf in the middle hinting at our wolf lineage.

There was in total already ten presents underneath the tree all from Alex and shopping at the school gift shop. They were red bags with glitter. 'I remember when you did that in middle school.' Yeah first year of middle school there was a gift shop.

After that I gave up as I didn't like the gifts there and bought things from the store. We were in the living room as my mom went through a recipe book getting all the Christmas recipes ready for Christmas. My eyes drifted over to Noah who had a pop tart box in his hand.

Except it was full of chocolate all sorts of chocolate too. Currently Noah was stuffing his face with Hershey kisses full of hazelnut and a nice smooth crunchy milk chocolate coating. He refused to share and growled when Max tried to take one ending up with the two locked in a stare down.

Noah usually won. 'It's a good thing that we don't want any of that chocolate.' 'Yeah because we know it won't be us that is gonna be looking away that's for sure.' Ash nodded in agreement as I glanced at my iPhone yet again waiting fro a text from Isabella.

I was asking her if she was doing anything today. Not that I had plans to take her out but I did have plans to go to Hot Topic and buy her some things for Christmas. That was my plan today and I needed to make sure Isabella wouldn't be out.

The whole Christmas presents I got for her would be ruined and that was not gonna happen on my watch. No ma'am. Biting my lip I grinned when I saw the little typing bubble in Isabella's text message spot. 'Patience is a virtue Dalton.'

I ignored him. Yes I was being extremely impatient but I needed to know so I could go off to the mall and get Isabella something nice. 'Then we are to go home and wrap it and store it away in our closet from prying eyes.' I smiled. Tomorrow night we'd get a present.

It was tradition. Then on the Christmas eve we'd go for a run through the fresh snow. The dogs were having fun in the snow. Gracie was sometimes hard to find if she laid down and didn't face you at night especially. You might accidently step on her of course. Then Isabella sent the text.

I am doing some training to get back into shape with Ryne. As is Derik with an intrigued Lyric watching him like a hawk. So I can't do anything if that's what you were gonna ask.

Ok that was good. I texted Isabella an ok. 'Now off to horrid malls we go.' 'It's not gonna be that bad.' 'You say that every time we go to the mall around holidays and it's a lie. People are horrible. Least it's not black Friday.' Ash was so dramatic sometimes. It wasn't gonna be that bad. Just grab Isabella some things then leave.

"Mom I'm going out I'll be back." I said walking into the kitchen. "Ok Dalton be back for dinner." My mom said and I nodded after grabbing my keys and heading out to the car. Ok simply plan Ash. 'Yes get clothes then leave.' I nodded.

With that I started up my car my brain racking ideas on things to get for Isabella and what type of wrapping paper to use. I pulled out of the gravel driveway and drove off after that without a single care except Isabella. 'Buying Isabella things of course.' 'Yes simple.' Then I drove off.
'You don't know what simply means.' I ignored Ash as I grabbed a Harley Quinn shirt in a medium. Isabella liked some of her shirts big and some tight so I got smalls and mediums. So far I had two Harley Quinn, and then a bunch of Justice League merchandise.

Even in Hot Topic it was crowded because of the holidays. Sweat, gosh do people not know how to take showers. I took one this morning. 'After a long run in wolf form maybe five miles then a mile run back in human form.' Yeah so I was sweaty after that.

So I became intelligent and cleaned myself. People showers exist for reasons! After grabbing one more Justice League shirt I went up to the cash register and flashed a smile as I put all the things down as the person began to scan. "Late Christmas shopping?" He asked.

"Yes for my girlfriend." I told him truthfully as he took the white pieces off and put them in the bag. Then the price came. 'Simple, it was suppose to be simple.' 'Who cares.' Then I gave him my credit card and then I got three bags of Hot Topic before leaving the store.

'Now home is where we are going.' I nodded and continued walking through the mall but stopped at a shop. 'Dalton no! Bad Dalton! Nyne Dalton! Fooey Dalton! We are to go home not shopping! So no Dalton!' I ignored Ash and the German dog commands and entered the store.

Bath & Body Works.

I grinned as I entered. Yes the store had a strong scent but I knew Isabella loved things from here so I'd get her a nice shower gel. There were even some winter scents. Mostly girls in here and I looked odd in here a guy looking at girls soap.

I sniffed a few of them trying to discover a nice scent. 'Ok I love Isabella a lot but she doesn't need this much! Isabella would even agree with me!' 'It's for Christmas Ash lighten up some.' Then I went over to a sampler pack Frosted Coconut Snowball then found the deals.

So I might of went a little crazy and got six soaps but it buy three get three free. And I got bath fizzes as they were only three dollars. But I remember all those movies with girls walking with tons of bags I even saw a few and always rolled my eyes at them.

'Yeah now you sorta are one of those girls.' I had three Hot Topic Bags and three Bath & Body Work bags. Guess it was good I ordered something for my mom online. Yeah I'd defiantly be giving some of these to Isabella in private.

Had to make sure I didn't look suspicious buying Isabella so much. But I know she'll love it. 'Our credit card didn't.' 'Oh relax we still have money on it.' 'Yes explain to mom what you bought.' 'Mom will understand and you know that. Plus we helped her a bunch in the last two days with her boutique. Hung things up, shipped things out and so much more which resulted in some money which in return we spent on Isabella as a good boyfriend does.' 'Isabella said she didn't want to use us as an ATM, remember?'

Yes I remember all her protests of me buying her things and tipping her for help. But this was different it was Christmas and couples gave each other presents on Christmas. I wonder what Isabella got me for Christmas? Hopefully she didn't forget, she didn't forget my birthday of course but I didn't have a party at college though.

She simply broke into my dorm. 'And left our favorite chocolate underneath our pillow with a note that said Happy Birthday -I.R.K' Isabella Radiance Knight. Isabella had a nice last name and I loved it of course it was so pretty of course.

Maybe it would one day be Isabella Radiance Ashford-Knight. Isabella probably wouldn't give up her last name as she had a history with her last name. Her dad took her mom's last name but it'd be perfect one day. So with that I headed out unaware to the eyes on my back watching me as I left.

1396. An attack will happen, something orchestrated by The First. He, he. But I have to update three chapters all in a row. Christmas Eve Chapter, Christmas chapter and today's chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time watchful marshmallows.

 Until next time watchful marshmallows

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