:Chapter 25:

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Dalton and I were outside my dorm door and he looked at me and offered a small smile to me which I returned. "Well it was fun, Lyric doesn't seem that bad." Dalton said and I nodded in agreement with what Dalton had said.

"I guess it wasn't that bad." I told him. 'It had ice cream so you know you loved it for that.' Satan had a point there. I did love that mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dalton turned to me. "I'll see you later Isabella." Dalton said and I nodded.

With that I went inside my dorm. Angel was inside with Nico, well on top of Nico making-out with him. Nico's gold eyes met mine and they turned back green and he pulled back. "Isabella." Angel said shocked as she got off of Nico her cheeks a little red.

'Least she isn't all cold faced and not the least embarrassed.' 'Yeah I remember when she was.' I walked on this before in Nico's room when I went to see him. She told me to learn how to knock or lose my virginity to Dalton to stop being so embarrassed.

Satan smirked. They all jumped to popping cherries. Ever heard of simply kissing to get used to other people making out. Nope they all went straight to losing my virginity except Derik and of course Ryne. I'm pretty sure Ryne would castrate Dalton before telling me to go sleep with him.

Yeah. "I'm just going to my room." I said pulling Maryse along to the shared bedroom and shutting the door. I took off the leather leash and service dog vest off of Maryse and hung it up as I set down my bag on the bed and got on the bed and began going through it.

Inside was my canvas sketchbook for painting on the go, a sketchbook, my paints, sketch tools, and the smaller art book that was required with class. 'Yes you chose that one.' 'Mhm, it gives techniques that I find quite useful for my art.' 'See college turned out to be useful.'

Yes it did. Grabbing my sketchbook and had a charcoal pencil I began flipping through it looking for the current sketch I was working on. My sketchbook had a nice amount. Back in Greenburg I had tons of sketchbooks full.

Also on my wall it was covered in drawings and paintings. I was working on my second wall back at Greenburg. Now in the dorm I had drawings taped up and some were for school which had only one strip of tape. For I could just grab them and be off to college.

My easel was near the bathroom. 'Yes, you seem to be the more dominant hand in the bedroom.' 'Angel decorated the living room with all the things she wanted.' 'Which wasn't very much, just some pictures, a few figurines.' 'The reason I am decorating the bedroom for us.'

I even promised to give Angel some drawings for her wall that she liked. After flipping through the sketchbook I finally found the sketch that I had been working on for a bit. It wasn't for class or anything, just something that I decided I wanted to draw so I did.

It was a merged drawing. One half a black haired older boy and a black wolf. I colored in the eyes blue and for the wolf gold. 'Yes it is Ash and Dalton for them.' All Dalton asked for a wolf so I was giving him a wolf. I really liked this picture.

It was quite common with the half wolf half person, but you only usually found half girl, half wolf ones so I did a twist and made it a boy. Dalton usually was smiling, but the picture just showed him staring silently, no happiness, or sadness. Just him watching.

His face was just watching, observing. I caught Dalton doing it once, just observing and he looked much older when doing it. He looked very different too as if he wasn't that nice sweet Dalton. Not that I minded Dalton. He just looked different when he had that look on.

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