:Chapter 29:

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There was so much to do when it came to this. All of things that I had on The First. I knew he was a hellhound. That I was sure of. Now to find out who it was. What hellhound was The First?

I needed to know that. Once I knew that I was good to eradicate The First, that was the first step to this. Once I found out which hellhound was The First. Oh trust me he'd wish he had never even thought of going against Satan. Trust me.

He thought Satan would be bad, Satan wouldn't be anything compared to my wrath. 'Your wrath is deadly. You flee the area when your wrath comes out and we know that. Far as way as possible.' I nodded in agreement with Satan. I had a nasty temper and this had been building up for two years no less.

Right now I was a seething pot of rage ready to be released on The First. And I just couldn't wait to release it on The First. Oh he'd regret fucking with me and I'd make sure of it. 'You are planning his demise.'

'I am going to bring The First crashing down and he won't even know what hit him.' 'I am aware. You should get to hell soon.' I knew exactly what I was going to do. But yes I'd be going to hell for another meeting concerning The First as we know knew what he was.

A hellhound. 'Will Lucas be there.' 'Yes and it will be at my place. The throne room.' Throne room, hell had a throne room should of known that they had a throne room. It seemed demon like to have a throne room to be all proud and to sit on a throne.

Biting my lip I got up and headed out of the bedroom just as my iPhone gave a small ding and I went over. Derik had texted me to come downstairs to go and eat some lunch with him and I knew it was a hint that he wanted to talk about the attack.

With that I grabbed Maryse's leash and hooked her up. "Want to go get some lunch?" I asked Maryse who gave me a hopeful look as I put on her service dog vest then headed out. 'Fast food doesn't sound so bad before a meeting in hell.' Satan nodded.

Like predicted when I went to the lobby Derik was in a leather chair waiting for me with his wallet. "Isabella." Derik said as I headed over and he offered a small smile. "Where are we going for lunch?" I asked looking at Derik.

"Taco Bell." Derik answered. "Where's Lyric?" I asked as we went outside to his mustang. "Classes, I'm going to pick her up in three hours so I thought we could have lunch." Derik said. "And talk about the attack?" I asked as Derik drove off. 'Saw that one coming from a mile away.'

"Yeah that to." Derik said as the scenery flew by before the familiar Taco Bell restaurant came into view and Derik pulled into the parking lot. "You paying?" I asked and Derik nodded and then got out and I followed in suit and unloaded Maryse who looked around.

'She is sensing for demons or any threats.' 'I've noticed that she does that.' 'Typical protector hellhound behavior. I have one myself.' I nodded as Derik and I entered Taco Bell and went up to order our food. Taco Bell was delicious and I just loved their food in general.

I ordered two chicken quesadillas and some ginger curls along with a medium sized drink. Derik ordered some Mexican taco nachos and two soft tacos with meat, cheese, lettuce, and sour cream. After we got our drinks we headed over and took a seat away from prying ears and eyes to talk.

"So what was that thing?" Derik asked as he took a sip from his drink. "The First." I told Derik who nodded. 'Guess now we are going to explain everything to Derik.' 'To fill him in so he is prepared for what it to come and he needs to be prepared.'

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