:Chapter 37:

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"So Lucas obviously has some clue on who The First is." Derik said as he looked over at Ryne who was eating a donut. He had gone to Dunkin Donuts and gotten us some breakfast. Enyr was with Lucas no doubt feeding him.

I had gotten a delicious Valentine's Day brownie batter cupcake and a white cheddar twist bagel with cream cheese. 'And you down that bagel as quick as you could after finishing the donut.' 'It's my favorite bagel of all time. It's just so good, it's unreal in so many ways.'

Satan nodded. "He did get the brunt of the attack and has been sorta lucid since. He sleeps quite often and is on pain medication. Orchid thinks it was a concussion. He'll be like that for maybe a week. Since he's a vessel there will be no memory loss as Lilith prevented it." Ryne said and I nodded.

'Yes and Lilith tried quite hard to make sure and used all sorts of her healing qualities on him. She was really determined to get him as healthy as possible. Her appetite has increased lots.' I nodded. I was glad that she was healing Lucas.

Lyric was sitting nestled into Derik's arms eating a chicken wrap sandwich while Derik ate his Cupid's donut. A werewolf eating a pink donut. "I hope he'll be better before I leave back for college." I said and Derik nodded in agreement as did Ryne as Flimur came in.

'He is on his little breakfast break.' Flimur actually didn't mind fast food that much, well mostly Dunkin Donuts. Mostly because we bought him some to try then recreate for us later. We were famous for bring home food and making Flimur recreate it to always have it. 'But of course way better.' I nodded in agreement.

"I think I'm going to go check on Enyr and Lucas." I said and Ryne nodded. I got up and walked up the stairs up to Enyr's room before lightly knocking on the door. "Come in." Enyr's soft voice spoke and I pushed open the door and entered.

Enyr always had a neat room. Enyr was in a chair with his donut and Lucas's sandwich. Lucas was propped up on the bed with pillows and was chewing some of the sandwich. Lucas's pink-red eyes moved over to me and he offered a painful smile as he watched me.

"You look like shit." I told him. 'That's one way to put it.' "I feel like shit, but the drugs Orchid has are good. I swear I saw aliens running up the wall last night." Lucas said watching me and I nodded coming over. He was high, I could tell.

One he had fresh needle mark and a needle besides the bed. No doubt full of a pain medicine that Orchid had. 'Probably something that her or Andrew stole for Lucas's case or was given by The Organization.' I nodded at that as I came up and took a seat next to the bed.

"Enyr would make a great sugar daddy. Breakfast in bed every day. I should get hurt more often. He even offered to kiss it better. And he cuddles with me every night." Lucas said with a high grin on his face before he laughed then winced.

"Hey relax." Enyr said pushing Lucas back down. Enyr grabbed the sandwich and offered it to Lucas who took a bite. 'He is quite spoiled and in good hands. The First would have a death wish to attack with Enyr in this room and he rarely leaves Lucas alone.' Which I was thankful for.

I looked at Enyr. "Can I ask questions?" I asked Enyr who nodded. "I'm about twenty now. And not a virgin." Lucas said. "Who's Xin?" I asked. "Xin, don't know. Sounds like a hot name, but not as hot as Enyr. Enyr is hot, especially when he strips. He should be my personal stripper." Lucas said.

Enyr's cheeks turned red at that as did mine. "You two are so innocent. Although you Enyr shouldn't be you aren't a virgin. Anywhere." Lucas said with a wink. Of course Lucas had to say that and it was even worse since he was high and didn't know what he saying.

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