:Chapter 22:

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Isabella was in hell right now. I didn't know how to think about that at all. Yes Isabella has. . . gone to hell numerous times, but usually she never tells me especially when I'm away. But she told me and I had no idea how to think about it now.

Soon we'd be leaving back for NYC as our break was almost over. Then college started up again and I honestly didn't know what to think of Isabella in hell. It was only her subconscious, but it was almost as if Isabella was worlds away.

'You are feeling like this because Isabella has started dating us. So we feel the need to be more protective over her. You don't know how to feel that she is in hell having a meeting with demons and you can't attend the meeting with her.' Ash pretty much got in spot on with that conclusion.

I would of liked to be there with her, but I can't go to hell. Unless I want to be there forever and I had no desire to be stuck there forever. So here I was in my bedroom wondering what Isabella was doing in hell.

How the meeting was going. Was it working in their advantage? Were they getting any more leads on The First? I mean they are demons so they should have a better chance at us then just some werewolves and a vessel. 'Yes, maybe Isabella will come back with valuable information.' 'Then Nico can get to brainstorming.'

Ash nodded in agreement with me. Getting up and out of bed I headed over to my dresser before getting out some clothing for the day. Better than just lounging around in my very comfortable bed and wondering what is happening to Isabella.

I got out a grey button up shirt and discarded one of my old band shirts and got on the button up shirt. Next came a pair of material black pants and then slid into a pair of black vans and headed into the bathroom. I combed my hair out before deciding to head downstairs.

'Hmm, I am hungry find something for us to eat.' I followed Ash's instructions and went into the kitchen where my mother was feeding Isaac who looked up at me his black eyes meeting my crystal blue ones. I smiled at him and he went back to eating.

"Mom is there anything I can have for lunch?" I asked. "Frozen pizza in the freezer." My mother said glancing over a me. Her silver hair was tied back in a pony tail as she continued to feed Isaac. Isaac happily ate it with no protest or complains or being sloppy.

He just ate it silently. No crying. Isaac was a special baby no doubt about it. 'I wonder what he is gonna be like when he's older. Who he'll be like more. Mom or dad?' I was more calm and reserved like my mother until someone got me going then I became like my dad.

Rory was more like my dad as was Max. Rodney was like mom, very easygoing. At first he was like dad being very high strong and dominant until he got his wolf into check. Now he had more of mom's traits. Alex undecided since he was a kid and had a kid personality so we wouldn't know until he was a teenager even though he was an early shifter. His wolf form was small because of that, but would grow. Noah had mom's personality with hints of my dad when angry. Nico was a carbon copy of mom.

Very calm, hard to make angry which means when they do get angry back up. 'Miles away. It takes a lot to get them going meaning all that anger was just bubbling and brewing making it just worse.' I nodded in agreement with Ash and glanced at Isaac.

"Dolly." Isaac said and my mom laughed. "Yes that's what people call Dalton. But it's Dalton, can you say Dalton?" My mother asked Isaac as I got out a frozen meat lovers pizza. "Dolly." Isaac repeated making me shake my head with a small smile as I turned the oven on waiting for it to heat up.

After that my mom went back to feeding Isaac. 'Meat lovers pizza does sound very good. All that meat and cheese oh it sounds delicious.' I nodded in agreement. Pizza did sound good while waiting for Isabella to text me back saying the meeting was done.

My iPhone was in my back pocket and I took it out once I put the pizza in the oven, set a timer then headed over to the table and sat down across from my mother and next to Isaac. Isaac looked over at me as he ate his food silently his black eyes full of boredom.

"He looks bored." I told my mom. "He is. Alana said she'd be late to coming over here with Isadora so he doesn't get to play with her." My mother said. "Him and Isadora are friends. Well a one sided relationship. Isadora doesn't really mind Isaac, but doesn't care if he's there much. In her eyes just another baby her age." My mother said and I nodded. 'Aw, isn't that cute. Maybe Isadora will like our future children. Yes Isadora will be older, but that will be fine. As long as they grow up and be friends.'

I had given up with scolding Ash about children. Now that Isabella and I were dating he used that with the children excuse on how it was one step closer to marking, then mating, then children. Yeah he had our relationship all planned out with steps. 'You broke one, but it did work in our advantage.'

Yes I broke it by asking Isabella out. But she said fine which was good enough for me. Soon the timer went off and I went over to go take my pizza out and put it on a plate. Now to eat the pizza and wait for Isabella.
Thirty minutes after eating my pizza I went back to my room when Isabella texted me saying the meeting was over and then I asked her if I could come over and off I was. When I arrived Kadan was getting Isadora into a car. Kadan looked over to me.

"Dalton." Kadan said and I turned to Kadan. 'Haven't seen him since New Year's. We can take a pit stop.' I walked over to Kadan as Alana emerged from the car to see what was keeping Kadan holding up. "Hey." I said as Alana watched Kadan as he smiled at me.

"Here to make another attempt for Isabella?" Kadan asked. I nodded playing along as if I wasn't dating Isabella. 'Yes and it is torture. No one knows.' I nodded in agreement with Ash. In the car was Isadora in her car seat sitting quietly waiting to go.

"So will I be seeing you here after or will I be seeing you at your house?" Kadan asked. "Guess we will find out. I'll text you. Nice to see you Alana." I told her kindly as she hugged Kadan. Alana nodded as her and Kadan got in the car and I headed back over to Isabella's as the two left.

So I'd probably meet them at my house. Walking up the stairs to Isabella's duplex I knocked on the door and Lucas answered it. "And the wolf appears. Come on." Lucas said motioning me in and I stepped past him and entered.

Isabella was on the couch with Maryse next to her. She was eating some mac and cheese while Flimur was in the kitchen making something. 'Smells like meatloaf. My guess is they are having meatloaf for dinner.' "Stupid meeting ended hours early." Isabella complained standing up and I smiled.

"Least you got mac and cheese." Lucas said coming over and Isabella rolled her eyes as I sat down next to her. "Anything good come out of it?" I asked. "Yeah, when we get back to college, Nico, you and I are gonna be having a nice talk about demons and plans." Isabella said.

I nodded. Better than coming out empty handed. I wonder what type of information they got from this meeting and what kind of awards it would reap. With a smile I leaned into the couch acting as if I wasn't Isabella's boyfriend which was hell for me since there was people in the living room. But it was worth it.

1402. New cover what do you guys think of it? The cover was made by @stiles24stilinskiXD that's who made it. It's nice and I will use it. Better than PicsArt covers. Would of preferred the text to be in blue, but better than a sucky cover or waiting an eternity where my book is finished by then. Comment what you think about the cover and if you are in need of cover you should request from them. Probably the fastest cover I've ever gotten and not looking bad either. Until next time cover marshmallows.

 Until next time cover marshmallows

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